Chapter 1 - Three Days

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I turned away from Percy and Annabeth and sighed. It felt good to let that off my chest. I half smiled as I heard Percy ask Annabeth what I had meant when I said I had a crush on him. He was such an idiot.

Looking up at a confused Will Solace leaning against the infirmary wall, I ran back over to him.

"What was that about?" He asked when I approached.

"Nothing, just trying the loose ends."

Will raised an eyebrow and nodded before putting on a serious face. I could see the ghost of a smile underneath though. 




We just stared at each other and I stared getting a bit uncomfortable.

"So Nico," Will said with a sheepish smile. "How long have you been at camp. I noticed that you left for a while."

Small talk? Really? "A while," I said suspiciously.

"Oh cool."

"Yeah..." I glared at him. What is he trying to accomplish?

His cheeks started turning pink and he quickly faced the direction opposite to me.

"You have to come in the infirmary for at least three days," he said again.

"Actually no, I don't." I wanted him to turn around so that I could glare at him some more.

I looked to my left exasperatingly and saw Percy and Annabeth staring at me -- us.

He finally turned and said, "Actually yeah, you do."

I crossed my arms and studied his face. Wills ears were slightly pink still. It was almost as if he was blushing. "Doctors orders."

"You're not a doctor."

He had trouble holding back his smile. "Well, I heal people don't I?"

He seemed to want an answer so I shrugged and mumbled a 'yeah'.

"That seems like a doctor to me. Now doesn't it, Nico?"

I shrugged again and he seemed satisfied.

"Well," he said while crossing his arms and standing up straight. "Now that that's done, follow me."

He reached for my arm and I took a step back. "Nicooo." Will said.

When I just stared at his outstretched hand and the impatient look on his face, he said, "Come on! I told you, three days in the infirmary, starting now."

This time it was my turn to cross my arms. "No. I told you. I'm fine, Will." I didn't like how I liked how his name rolled off my tongue.

Will stepped closer to me and grabbed my arm. "No, you're not." He pulled me toward the entrance of the building and through the infirmary. Once we were inside, he looked around trying to find an open bed.

His siblings said their greetings to Will and winked with smirks as we walked around.

Surprisingly, most of the Apollo kids were speaking Italian.

It felt odd to have my first language heard throughout the infirmary. 

"Mi passa le bende" ((Pass me the bandages.))

"Bere questa ambrosia" ((Drink this ambrosia))

"Guardate Will , lui è con...lui." ((Look at Will, he's with...him.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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