A girl wants to be part of our team?

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After the match between teikoku academy the raimon soccer club the team gets two additional players. gouenji shuuya and kazemaru Katori.

 "Alright guys lets start practicing " Endou said bursting into the club room with a ball in his hand.

 He looked around the room and noticed that everyone was staring at Katori our new member of the team. 

" what's going on?" Endou  asked looking at aki.

 "She's what's going on" someoka said

 " how can a girl be on our team. It's just unnatural "he added.

 "Come on now guys at least we have another member on the team right?" Kazemaru said trying to defend his sister.

 Katori didn't like it when people fight especially her brother so she stepped up and faced someoka herself."just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't play soccer. Soccer is a sport where everyone gets to play. Each player is equal when it comes to playing since we only have one goal to score a point. In the pitch no one boy nor girl" Katori stated having a serious look.

"I agree with her" Endou said with a smile plastered on his face.

" Oh yeah I almost forgot." Endou said holding out two folded uniforms.

 He handed Katori the uniform with the number 8 and gouenji with the number 10. Afterwards they went to the field to start training. Before everyone started their training they wanted to see how powerful Katori was since they've already seen what gouenji can do.

"alright Katori kick the ball as hard as you can and I'll try and block it" Endou said while standing in front of one of the goals. 

Katori didn't actually know how to play soccer but she read about it in a book. she's what you can call a bookworm who's and assistant librarian in the school library which only a few people often visit so Katori didn't interact with people much. Katori ran towards the ball and kicked it as hard as she can. When she kicked the ball a gust of wind surrounded it as it flew towards the goal. Endou was able to stop it but he was pushed back a little by the amount of force put into it.

"WOW Katori that was a great shot. A little more training and you could be as strong as Someoka" Endou said holding up his fist in the air with a big smile on his face.

"Alright everyone let's start training for our next match" Aki said as she blew her whistle.

Everyone ran to the field and started practicing.


alright so that's the first part of the story i was wondering if you guy's want me to use japanese references like "-chan" or "-kun" for the characters or "ohayou" or "gomen" for their everyday sayings let me know in the comments below 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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