Chapter 1

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As he stared out the window, his heart started to palpitate. The more he thought of her, the more he couldn't resist taking the sharp blade and sliding it across his wrists. He was thinking of her again.

He thought about how she would run around in the open backyard despite of the heavy rain. He thought about how she would be drenched from head-to-toe. He thought about her staring back at him, with eyes full of lust and love.

She was his happiness, but she was taken away. Soon, he found himself dreaming of her everynight. He missed her too much. He didn't know how to let all the memories go, he didn't know how to forget about the girl of his dreams.

He remembered the way she felt in his arms, the way she would hold him tightly, as if she was holding onto dear life.

She was gone, though.

Now that he was broken, he had no one, he had no one to love and no one to love him. His mother couldn't understand his misery. No one ever could.



hey guys :-)
i wrote 3 chapters of this story like last year i think ? and i unpublished it because i thought it was shit ¡

but alright i've decided to publish it again and continue writing because i've not written in so long and i miss it so :)))

first part of the story might be boring but please give it a go !! tbh i dont even have the plot planned out yet but im pretty sure i'll just get so into writing the story that i see where it's leading (i hope)

but anyway !! if you're enjoying the story, go ahead vote it or add it to your reading list if you want and comment down your opinions or feedbacks or whatever but please be nice c:

love you guys !

Jet Black HeartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt