Turn It Off

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Once upon a time
There was a girl.
She listened to music through her earbuds.

The music was in full blast,
And everyone around could hear it's annoying satanic screams.
Everyone told her to turn the music off.
Everyone told her to stop listening to the depressing music.
They told her it wasn't good for her.
They told her.

The music expressed how she felt on the inside.
The music was good to her.
It was her escape, but to everyone else it was sucky music.
But everyone kept telling her to turn it off.
Everyone kept telling her.

Soon enough the girl changed the music she listened too.
The music was still at full blast, but it was different.
It didn't express how she felt.
It expressed the opposite.
Everyone told her to keep the music up, and to never turn it down.
Everyone told her.

She didn't like this music that everyone praised her for listening to.
She wanted her old music back.
She just wished people liked her music.
She wished she had someone to converse to about her music.
If only there was one person who understood.
But they kept telling her.

One day the music stopped all together.
Everyone missed the satanic music she originally had blasting through her earbuds.
They finally noticed how good it was.

They finally noticed after it was too late....

Hey this is supposed to be a poem I guess... I have no clue if it's any good but it's kind of how I've been feeling lately so...

If someone tells you to change, whatever you do don't! THE BEST THING IS TO LET YOU DO YOU!

If someone judges you I know it's hard but ignore them. I know what your going to say "but every one says to ignore them you don't know how hard it is to ignore them." Well it honestly its harder than it sounds, but we all have to do it.

If any of you want to talk I'm here for you... Nobody is probably reading this but if you happen to stumble upon this:

Your never alone. Someone will always be here for you. I'm here. I promise the world can be a safe place. You just need to find the place where you feel the safest.

Judging is for losers anyway... lolz...

Love you loads!
-dauntlessluke <3 :-)

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