Chapter 1 May

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" Dad I don't want to go to school we have to many test." Said may " May how many times do I have to tell you just because you have test doesn't mean-" " Ha yeah may get yo ass to school". It sucks all I have today are test plus it's raining cats and dogs out there. Ugh dad and Kyle are now fighting they wouldn't of Kyle would just stop fucking cussing." Patrick and Kyle stop fighting now, Kyle go get dressed you to may." I went up to my room and picked out my favorite clothes. I got my red and black skinny jeans and a loose superman t-shirt. I put on my black worn out jacket an left my room. When I got out I saw my brother in the most retarded outfit ever. He was wearing a a black shirt with the word "swag" on it, and a blue plaid shirt over that. His pants weren't that bad he had had black holy skinny jeans and a purple beanie that says "bish whet". I went back to my room and got my pink beanie that say " tea party ". It's a very special hat I got it from Daz_Black when I visited New York. I left my room and snuck by my mom and grabbed my bike and left. After about 2 minutes of riding in the poring rain I finally got to badgers high school. I went to the cafeteria. After a minute my friends arrived . Everyone was here kiana, Jacob, Kevin, Seth, Jill, and Maria. We were all just talking about how adorable and kawaii pewdiepie looked in his sailor moon outfit. My friends there happy on the out side but on the inside they're ruined. Kiana is treated horrible by her family because of the color of her skin. Kevin he was always called fag buy his classmates, his siblings, and his parents. Jacob his parents did drugs when he was born so now he has a metal disability. Jill's parents were killed when she was young and she got adopted by her aunt and uncle. When here aunt left she was with her grand father who treats her like scum because she's a girl. Seth on his fourth birthday his mother got in a car accident and died. Maria her dad and here sister died on the way from picking her up from ballet. After 5 years here mother was killed an raped.

After a couple minutes of talking the first bell rang whoop di do.

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