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Wade Wilson was a normal 20 year old guy, until one day. Wade was walking in a ally, 3 teens walked up to him and put a bag over his head, and that's when it all started. Wade was thrown in a pool filled with toxic and shark's. Wade was bitten badly but the toxic filled his body and veins. Wade soon got out of the pool, in extreme pain the teens shot at him but his skin healed and all of a sudden he pulled a ak47 out of his pockets killing the teens. Wade went home at his damp apartment and made a costume, since his skin was badly damaged, it was a black and red with swords and a bulky belt. He was abble to pull any weapon out of his pockets. His mood changed so much he thought he should laugh at the pain. He decided to be a mercenary. He named himself Deadpool now as Deadpool he does anything for money! All hail Deadpool!!!

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