Chapter One

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Authors note: hey guys! so im going to be working on this at the same time that im working on my other story 'Insanity', if u havent read it i suggest u go and check it out!

hope u like this btw! and dont forget to comment, vote, fan, tweet or like this on facebook!

PS- comment and tell me if u want me to continue. i won't update until i have ten votes on this chapter :P



When I was little, my Grandmamma used to read me stories... stories of princesses and princes falling deeply and madly in love with each other. My favourite parts were always the endings... and they lived happily ever after. I’ve dreamed of one day finding my happily ever after... but then again, my once upon a time hasn’t even started yet.

            Grandmamma always said that people like us don’t find their happily ever. It made me sad whenever she said that, but I know not to get my hopes up. I know it’ll never happen, it could, but it won’t. Not when you’re a ‘Romani’, or in other words- a Gypsy. It is just better not to get your hopes up.

There’s no way any of us could ever have a happily ever after. I mean, seriously, we live in wagons for goodness sake! In forests no less. And we never live anywhere for too long either... so I would imagine that it is hard to meet people. But then again, who would want to meet a dirty Gypsy?

Besides, my Momma and Papa have already chosen somebody for me. So even if I did meet somebody, my parents would never let me marry said person.

I am supposed to marry my childhood friend, Luka. I have got two months left before that happens I guess... but I'm not exactly excited. Mamma always says that I’ll fall in love with him in time. I doubt it though; I have had years to fall in love with him, and it has not happened yet.

But even though I know I will probably never find my happily ever after, I still have hope.

“Rawnie!” called Mamma, snapping me out of my thoughts.                 

“Yes, Mamma?” I asked.

“Help me with dinner,” she instructed. I sighed, it had been the same thing for a week, and I was getting truly sick of it. We have not had the money lately to buy any new ingredients. The small trinkets that I’ve been helping Mamma sell haven’t exactly been selling very well in the market. So now I am stuck with eating stew for another week or so.

Plus, we have only been here for about two weeks and I can already tell that this is not a Romani-friendly country. Whenever I go out into town I get awful looks from the townsfolk.  

Then again, no country is Romani-friendly any more... if they even catch you doing one tiny thing wrong, you’ll either be put in jail, or you’ll be prosecuted. But I guess that is just how it goes nowadays.

I stirred the stew around inside the cauldron for a few minutes while my Mama went to go buy a bit of salt with the little money she still had. We do not have any type of stove, considering we live in trailers and travel all the time, but instead we just have a cauldron over a burning fire outside.

We are currently residing inside of a wooded area near a small village, mostly because we were afraid of people seeing us. But it is fairly cosy I suppose... even though I would rather live inside a castle or even inside one of those cute little cottages in the nearby village.

Suddenly someone grabbed onto the large spoon that I was using to stir the stew. I quickly realized that it was my soon-to-be husband, Luka.

“Can I help?” he smiled warmly.

Once Upon a TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora