Part 1

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"Who knew it would all happen so soon."

My life flashes right before my eyes. The things I see aren't an illusion. It all really happened. My sister was gone, and next thing I know I'm at her funeral. I see the sight of family members I know, and other members that I've never seen, crying as hard as they possibly could. I see the presence of my mom as she was crying. She lost her only daughter, and she couldn't accept that. She was going through an immense amount of pain that no one should ever have to feel. As everyone bows their heads down in memory of Angel, I slightly look up just to notice the sight of Lucy. I remember, when I had work on the weekends, Lucy would always come over to babysit Angel. They had this indescribable bond between each other. I slowly start to walk to her and hug her from behind.

With her eyes filled with tears, she turns around and looks at me.

"I'm so sorry.... I had no idea what you were going through."

In my years of knowing Lucy, I have never seen her this sad. She lost someone we can never get back. We all did that day. I hug Lucy as close as I can. Both our hearts pounding in pain, creating a virtual link that makes us feel lucky that we are still alive, here together.

"She left this world too soon, she deserved a longer life. Why does a human who has done no harm deserve this!?"

Lucy then breaks down as everyone attending the funeral looks at her, as she breaks the silence. I carried her to my car so the service can continue to go on. She eventually calms down, and turns to me.

"You know, in elementary school, how teachers and adults would always ask us kids what we wanted to be when we grew up, and everyone would say something like "I wanna be a doctor!" or "I wanna be an astronaut!", or something along those lines? Who would know that you many not even live long enough to become what you had a passion to become? Death takes people at random, and Angel was unlucky enough to become one of those victims. Now we don't know what she would've done if she lives long enough. She could've cured cancer, or could've been the first human on Mars. But now we won't know, won't we?"

A tear drops from Lucy's eye after she finishes talking, as she still doesn't understand why Angel had to die so soon. Lucy got out of the car and went out to the service as they were doing a closing ceremony. I stay in there until my mom comes drive us home. Going inside our home without the sound of Angel saying "Welcome home!" really put a hole in our hearts. I head up to my room and just stay there. I can't imagine how the future will be without Angel.

(part 2 coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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