At First Sight

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So this story will be about Damian (Shane's Ex and joint Alpha to Lucas since their packs joined together ) and Damon (Alexis's Brother). They are mated to Luke and Sebastian. Since I'm not sure if I mentioned and will probably forget, I will post their main information here, if I said anything different about them here to my other books just go with what's written here. The story begins after everyone has graduated from high school and now are in college. I apologize for any confusion.

Damon Williams - 23 years old, traveled from England to America (where he originally lived) to start his teaching career there. His sister is Alexia and mated now to Luke, a human.

Damian King - Alpha of the Black Knights and mated to the vampire Sebastian. Cheeky and playful but can be serious - was once Shane's boyfriend but now just a friend

Luke Hunter - Human and innocent. Gay but never had a boyfriend, knows about werewolves but not much about them.

Sebastian Blackwood - Vampire and mated to Damian, feels betrayed by 'father' who is his mates biological father and blames mate for losing him. Family is unknown


*Luke's P.O.V*

Head down, body hunched, I felt like I was back to my freshman year in high school as I wandered through the hallways of my new college. All I wanted to do was go back to then, when life was simple and there was no such things as supernatural beings like werewolves.

Ever since last year, my senior year, things have never been quite the same for me... For one I made friends with some pretty cool people although they were also really strange. For example this guy called Shane and his boyfriend Lucas. They were totally adorable together but I didn't see them as much now that we'd gone our separate ways.

In fact, I'd moved a couple states over and was now all by myself with nobody I knew here.

But hey, it could be worse right? It was.

Ever since that day I had stayed over at Shane house with his friends, I've been getting calls and texts from an unknown number...

You see, just as I was leaving that day, I caught a glimpse of my perfect guy. Shane's best friend (Alexia) was skyping with him as he was her brother and I had been curious enough to peek at the screen.

The moment our eyes met I couldn't breathe. How could a creature so sinfully perfect exist? The answer was simple - he was a werewolf. It made sense considering how perfect he was, that he would be out of bounds. This wasn't twilight after all.

The blue eyed wonder with a sexy mess of black hair on his head and a voice so deep it makes you shiver? Yep, no way in heaven or hell he gets together with the dork too small to fit into clothes his age and no social life.

Although strangely enough, I did notice how those blue eyes seemed to blaze when they connected with my brown eyes as he growled out "mate". What's that supposed to mean?

I'll admit that I freaked out a little and ran out, scared I'd pissed him off by staring. The next day I announced that I was leaving straight after graduation and avoided Alexia like the plague.

When she attempted to bring up the topic of the hunk I'd freaked out on, I assured her that she had nothing to worry about. Clearly she wasn't convinced but at that moment she got a text and backed off immediately.

And now I would get regular calls and texts from a random number, all of which I'd never respond to. No matter how many times I change my number or even if I get a new phone, the same number always calls. Luckily the stalking died down a week before college, which was odd but hey, I'm not complaining.

Looking down at my schedule I muttered to myself. Now where was room 309....

Half an hour later, and most definetly late, I stumbled into class and am ashamed to admit that I squeaked when I realised how many people were staring. I blushed, scurrying past people with every other word an apology as I made my way to the front where the only empty seat was.


Now a bright cherry color, I sat down with my hands in my lap and looked up at the teacher. He looked familiar...kinda like...

My blue eyed wonder

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