Hand Inspection

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It would just be them tonight. The dining hall felt so huge, so empty, without Erd, Gunter, Petra, and Aurou. Despite the passage of time, Eren never got over the oppressive emptiness. That was why he insisted on dining with Levi. If the bareness of the mess hall was this bad for him, who had only known the squad for a month, it must be nearly unbearable to Levi.

Eren brought in the food, and Levi set aside some paperwork. The chef had set silver lids over the plates, knowing Levi's disgust for filth, and the castle was a bit dusty no matter how many times Levi demanded it be cleaned from bell tower to basement.

Eren placed Levi's plate in front of the corporal and removed the lid. A puff of steam billowed up from the meal. Just as Eren was about to uncover his own plate, Levi cleared his throat harshly, bringing over his attention.

"Did you clean your hands?"

"Yes, Corporal."

"Show me."

Eren rose and walked over to Levi, sticking his hands out for inspection. Levi took one hand into his grip, holding it firmly yet tenderly. He tilted the hand one way, then another.

"You cleaned under your fingernails, too. Kept them trimmed. That's good."

He traced over the palm, slowly working up. A soft touch around the wrist gave Eren a shudder.

"Heh ... your wrists are always so sensitive. Did you clean them, too?"

Eren trembled under the gentle fingers stroking right over a ticklish part of his arm. "Uh ... ye- ... yes."

Levi gazed up with a smirk. "I'll have to check."

He softly licked right across the wrist, giving the teen an erotic chill through his body. Eren turned his face aside as he felt the heat in his cheeks.

"How about the rest?" asked Levi. "I've told you before, wash all the way up to your elbows." His eyes narrowed. "Haven't I said that?"

"Yes, Corporal," he breathed heavily. "You ... you've told me that before."

"So ... have you done it?"

Eren gulped hard as Levi's fingers began to venture farther up his arm. "Y-yes."

"I'll have to inspect."

He licked up the arm, slowly moving, taking his time, feeling with his tongue and lips the muscles of the forearm, licking gently, while Eren stood there looking down at the corporal in amazement.

Once his tongue reached the elbow, Levi's hand reached up, caressing the bicep. His eyes gazed up to that young face above him. He hated that Eren was taller than him, forcing him to look up, but he loved the way Eren looked down at him.

Then boldly, Levi tiptoed up and crashed his lips against Eren's.

The boy panicked. He struggled for only a moment, feeling unworthy to receive affection from such a renown man, yet slowly he relaxed and accepted it.

Levi reached up and caressed Eren's face. He could feel the burning heat in the cheeks. Even without these touches, he knew the boy would be blushing. He always blushed. Slowly, he pulled back, his tongue lazily withdrawing, and a string of saliva narrowed between them as their chests panted hard.

"You even brushed your teeth. That's good. But ... did you clean around your neck?" he asked sternly.

Eren stuttered in shock and could not answer.

Levi's head tilted to the side, and his brow creased. "You forgot," he accused harshly. Then he smirked wryly. "I'll have to clean it for you."

He hated being shorter, but it did make licking Eren's throat so much easier. His tongue glided up the blue vein marking a rapid pulse, and he felt the teen quivering in his arms. Eren was ashamed at getting aroused so quickly, and he fought against the instinct. However, Levi felt the stiff arousal straining against the tight uniform trousers, and he pressed his hips up against Eren while his tongue licked up the neck, then around the rim of the ear.

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