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Hi it's PervySage15! Just so ya know , this is my first fan fiction so no flames please. Also don't like what you read, deal with it , ya fool.
Me-Ahhhh, almost forgot the disclaimers!
Naruto- Really we rehearsed this man!!
Me-*twitch* why you get over here now!
Jiraiya- I'll do disclaimers. PervySage15 doesn't own Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. So who wants to read Icha Icha?

"Bijus/Summons/ speaking"
Biju/Summon thoughts


Council Meeting Chambers

"Lord Hokage, we need to kill the Kyuubi!" yelled an ANBU.The 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze was dealing with too many things at once.

The Kyuubi or nine tailed fox demon, was realised from it's former jinchuricki Kushina Uzumaki, the 4th Hokage's wife. How this was possible was that it was the night she gave birth to her son, which she is holding onto as they speak. The self-proclaimed Madara Uchiha has come back to exact his vengeance on Konoha and ripped the Kyuubi out if the seal that was holding it in Kushina.

"You can't, it is a being of great chakra. It can only be sealed once again." Minato said in a dissapointed tone. His adviser, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the God of Shinobi and the Hokage before Minato, came up and stated, "I know of a sealing process to help seal it. The Reaper Death Seal."

When he finished, Minato went to protest only to be stopped by his sensei and father figure, Jiraiya, the great toad sage of the three sannin taught by Hiruzen himself."You know he's right Minato. Plus if you did the seal, who would take care of Naruto? 'Cause I still have a spy network to return to, plus I have my research," which a few shinobi perversely giggled at this, while others sweat dropped.

Minato sighed in defeat,"Fine but, it's too much for just Naruto. We may need another child." Everyone gasped at what their Hokage said. Then someone raised their hand. And it turned out to be none other than Fugaku Uchiha, the Uchiha clanhead."I would like to have my son, Sasuke Uchiha, to have the other half of the Kyuubi sealed inside of him," he said, which got a gasp from his own wife and the other clanheads.

Mikoto, Fugaku's wife, yelled,"How dare you decide that without my consent, You BAKA!!!!" While others had similar thoughts. But one Danzo Shimura was thinking on how he will turn the two boys into weapons.

"Fugaku, think of what Sasuke would be put through as he is growing up. Why would you do this to your own son?" asked the ever fast Hokage."Because Hokage-same, he will be treated as a hero in our compound," stated the ever prideful Uchiha clanhead.

"If you say so Fugaku-san", and with that Minato left the chambers in a flash of yellow lightning.

Minato's Safe House

We could see Kushina with her son, Naruto. Then Minato flashes beside the bed she was lying down on and informed of his plan.

"You BAKA!! Why would you do that to not only our son, but Mikoto-chan's son as well!" Yelled the Red Hot Habenaro.

Minato shrinked back in a corner until he stated,"Well why should I ask for someone else to sacrifice their own child, plus Mikoto was fine with it". Okay Minato just half truthed to his wife, the question was would she notice?

"Fine if she says she's okay with it than I am too", she says sheepishly. "Okay gotta go save the village, Bye!"
Minato grabbed Naruto and flashed to where the Kyuubi was sighted.

Meanwhile Fugaku went through the same thing with his own wife(not going to repeat a paragraph)

Kyuubi sighting

Minato and Fugaku just arrived in their own ways next to Hiruzen on either side of him with their baby boys in arms.

Okay step one get boys together; check. Step two ready boys and wait on Minato to draw Kyuubi; in process. Is what was going through the retired Hokage's head as he put the two boys, Naruto and Sasuke, onto two different stands for the sealing. Sasuke the yin chakra and Naruto the yang chakra.

Minato left with Fugaku to attract the Kyuubi for the old Hokage to seal in their respective sons.

"RAAAAAAAAW," sounded through the field as the Kyuubi drew closer to where Sarutobi was. Then Jiraiya shunshined next to his sensei. "Just in time to protect you while you ready everything eh, sensei", stated the ever pervy sannin.

"Ready when you are Sarutobi-sama!" Minato yelled. Then Hiruzen gave the okay the Kyuubi was strangled by ....chakra chains? Everyone turned to see a week Kushina Uzumaki with chakra chains sprouting out of her back.

"Kushi-chan, what are you doing you are more likely to die of extreme chakra exhaustion", stated the now worried blonde she was married to.
"Well ya se", "RAAAAAAAAAWWW"
was what they heard as the Kyuubi struggled out of the chakra chains.

"Sensei, you better seal the damn thing before it destroys the village", yelled Jiraiya as it started to break free.

"Okay bring me the boys", the did as he asked. "Good luck you two and may the Great Sage watch over and protect you." Were the last words of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the 3rd Hokage, the God of Shinobi.

He then went to multiple hand signs and then stated,"Reaper Death Seal". Said lord of death appeared. I wish to seal two halves of the Kyuubi into the boys by using the Eight Tetragram Seal, personally made by Minato Namikaze", stated what he needed to happen and Shinigami started to pull on the Kyuubi's Yin chakra and sealed it into Sasuke, and did the same with the Yang into Naruto. When he finished, Shinigami took Hiruzen's soul as the price for the summoning.

That left Minato, Fugaku, and Jiraiya with the two baby boys and a very weak Kushina. Minato took Kushina to the hospital, while Fugaku and Jiraiya did the same with Sasuke and Naruto.

The End
.... For now

Just so you all know my chapters may be short so don't hate cuz I warned for future references.

Naruto-you're just too lazy! Just like Shikamaru!

Me-*twitch* choku-tomoe rinnegan
Naruto-oooh shhhhhiiiii

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