Chapter 1

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I never should have left the meadow.

It was pitch black, the moon was shining bright, casting a soft yellow glow among the looming trees. But it still wasn't a sufficient enough light, my feet still stumbling upon roots and rocks, making my walk back home to the fairies much harder.

I let out a tired sigh as I wiped sweat off my brow, recalling the moment that made me decide to wander beyond the limits of my home in the first place. 

"But Mother-"

"No, 'buts' Rosina, you are a lady and must behave as such." Mother stated firmly. She floated towards me with her palms behind her back, her white wings glittering in the light. I pouted.

"I just want to explore." I explained as I looked down at my feet. Mother placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I glanced back up at her instantly, my lower lip jutting out as I tried my best to trick her into letting me explore the land I love.

Her blue eyes twinkled as she laughed at my lame attempt to persuade her and I couldn't help but join her and the contagious sound. "Oh, Rosina. I understand your desire to explore this beautiful land, but believe me when I say that there are consequences..." Her eyes hardened as she trailed off, the far-off look giving me the impression that she was remembering an unpleasant memory.

I swallowed my pride as I went in to hug her, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. I sighed into her warm touch, I felt safe in her arms. She had this sense to her, that she'd protect you no matter what. She made me feel like I belonged. "I'm sorry, Mother. I understand you just want the best for me. I'll stop asking about it." 

We pulled apart, her smiling down in that caring way of hers, her beautiful smile growing wide as she nodded. "I'm glad you understand, my child. Now, go to your room and read that new book I got you."

So I did go to my room. But not to read.

I dug through my basket of clothes, finding warm clothes to wear for my night out, not that I had much. Fairies weren't really known for dressing for the winter. We hated the cold. 

My hands felt around for a familiar woven cloth, a satisfied sigh leaving my lips as I found it. I pulled it from the bundle, smiling at the sight of the beige scarf and the memories that came along with it. I will never forget watching Mother knit it for me as she told me tales of fairy legend. It's one of my earliest memories. I wrapped it around my neck contently.

I felt bad for lying to Mother, but I've been limited to the borders of this meadow for all seventeen years of my life. And I wasn't going to be cooped up any longer. I had fairy magic by my side, and even if I was the only one in our fairy group that didn't have wings, or could shrink on command, I was the strongest. I knew that. 

Besides, what was the worst that could happen?

I could get lost. That's the worst that could happen.

"God! I'm so stupid!" I threw my hands in the air as I shook my head in despair. I couldn't tell left from right among all these trees that looked identical. It was rare for someone like me to be lost, if only this forest wasn't so repetitive.

This trip of mine has been rather uneventful. I didn't discover new creatures, didn't see any new flowers, I didn't even find anything remotely new to me. I guess the lands beyond the meadow were pretty much the same, besides the large amount of trees. In the meadow, it was a vast and open space, unlike this one.

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