Don't Let This Memory Fade Away

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A/N so i guess here's another story, it's kinda similar to my other one? If you haven't read that one, maybe check it out please?


Jack's POV

I stepped through the front door of my small apartment and sighed, another hard day at work done. Dropping my keys into a glass bowl on the counter I rounded the corner into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I do the same routine every day, and everyday I'm just as disappointed as the last by the lack of food. I really should go to the store but I always seem to be so busy or just plain too exhausted to even bother anymore.

I ended up just grabbing a beer and slightly laughed at myself. No way in hell I could bring myself to fill my pantries with food, but I always manage to have some form of alcohol around. I exited the kitchen and walked back to the front door. I began slipping off my shoes when I saw something from the corner of my eye on the edge of counter, I knew I shouldn't.

Every cell in my body was screaming "JACK NO", but I couldn't find it in me to listen. I set the beer bottle down on the counter in exchange for a bottle of Jack Daniels, it was always my weakness. I walked into my living room and slumped onto the couch clicking on the TV, sighing to myself.

"Looks like it's just us, again." I mumbled as I opened the bottle, taking my first swig as I leaned back into the couch.


I was woken by the soft sound of my fiancés voice. Immediately grinning, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss mumbling "hi love" on his lips. I pulled away to see him returning my grin.

"Jack, it's starting to get late and you probably haven't even eaten dinner. How about I go pick up some burritos real quick yeah?" He said, swiftly intertwining his fingers with mine.

Another smile found my lips, excited at the prospect of dinner.
"Sounds perfect, you know me so well, baby.", I said standing up to stretch as Alex walked towards the kitchen.

"Only if you promise not to fuck the burrito, Jack." He said laughing and shook his head as he grabbed his wallet and keys off of the bar. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my nose onto the back of his neck.

"Mmm, I'd much rather fuck you..." I mumbled into his neck, giving soft kisses along the nape of his neck and onto his jawline.
I noticed him shiver a bit as he turned around to face me, pecking my lips again. He pulled away with a light blush spreading across his cheeks. I simply chuckled, my arms still wrapped around him.

"You're so beautiful Alex." I beamed at him, as I stared into his shiny eyes.
"Okay, okay, enough with the mush, we all need to eat Jacko." He said as he ducked away from my hold. Just as he grabbed the door handle I called for him, rushing towards him.

"Lex wait!"
He turned around with a confused look, raising his eyebrow.

I shot him a goofy grin before saying "I love you so much Alexander, be safe please". He shook his head turning back to the door and opening it, "I love you too Jay, I'll be back soon."


Alex's POV

"I love you so much Alexander, be safe please." Jack said with a goofy grin.
I turned and opened the door before replying "I love you too Jay, I'll be back soon".

Memories That Fade Like PhotographsWhere stories live. Discover now