Why? Why would you do this to him!?!?

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So this one-shot is dedicated to National Suicide Prevention week so hope you enjoy and if any of you guys need someone to talk to that won't judge you I'm here I've been through it at the end I'll have a hotline number also.

Ciel: Kat doesn't own Black Butler

Kat: Yeah I don't if I did Black Butler would be the yaoi anime it apparently was supposed to be

Third p.o.v

The first thing Ciel Phantomhive a young foster child at about the age of 16 did when he got back to his 'Aunt' Reds house was go inside go upstairs run to his room, slam the door and break down crying. After his crying session was over he sat up and rubbed his eyes while trying ignore the little voice inside his head screaming at him "It's not worth it, this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, don't do it!" But Ciel just ignored the voice and went to the went to the bathroom and grabbed his pocket knife.

After he grabbed his knife he started slicing up his wrists not caring if he cut a vein. But what he did notice was the small puddle of blood slowly gathering at his feet, but he just ignored it and stopped cutting. Finally taking notice of the fact that he's dying, but honestly Ciel could care less. What has he got to loose. I mean come on he's already lost so much in his life like his ex-boyfriend Sebastian to his 'Aunt', his parents are dead I mean come on losing his life and joining parents wouldn't matter to him.

So with death in mind he slipped unconscious. The last thing heard was his 'Aunts' horrified scream and his ex looking at him with a deep sadness in eyes he just bowed his head and closed his eyes. While Ciel took his last breath and departed from the hell people call life.

*Flashback a couple hours before*

Third p.o.v

When Ciel woke up to the smell of pancakes one Wednesday morning he thought his boyfriend had stopped by to be his usual caring self boy how wrong he was. After he got dressed and stuff he walked down the stairs unprepared for the scene that was waiting for him. As he got closer to the bottom he heard giggling that got abruptly silenced and left him in shock when he saw  His oh so faithful boyfriend was kissing his 'Aunt'. So with the fresh feeling of betrayal and a broken heart he cleared his throat, alerting the lovers of his presence which made them both gasp pull away and try to explain but he just held his hand up, grabbed his backpack and walked out the door on his way to a hell called School.

When he finished his walk he noticed his two best friends Lizzie and Alios waiting for him by the library so with a fake smile plastered on his face he walked over to them and started to make small talk. When he got inside the building Lizzie decided to drag him to a janitors closet where she proceeded to question him "what's wrong cause that smile surely is fake." Which he replied with by bursting into tears stunning her till she took hold of him and started to console him until he finally calmed down. After he calmed he explained to her what he witnessed in the kitchen, she responded by looking absolutely murderous. She looked like she was going to say something but then he heard the bell ring, so Ciel dragged Lizzie out of the closet and to first period all the while thinking "Why me? Why would they do this to me?" And that's how he got through the day.

When the end of school bell rang then he realized he has to go home and face another hell seeing his ex boyfriend and 'Aunt' together. So with that in mind he left the school and started the walk home. When he got home he was right, they were all over each other. How pray tell, the second he walked in all you could hear were moans and groans which he led to a simple conclusion. They're having sex.

So instead of deluding himself that he's strong and their betrayal didn't hurt him Ciel allowed himself to release a broken sob before he ran back outside not being able to listen to the noise anymore. He ran and ran until he reached the neighborhood park where he sat down on a bench fumbled for his phone and dialed Lizzie's number. When she answered instead of bursting into tears he shakily told her what he heard. All she did was growl low and menacing like she wanted to rip both of them apart. She assured him that everything happens for a reason and he would find out why soon but all he could do was choke out a "yeah" before he hung up.

After his time in the park he started his walk home making sure to go slow. This time when Ciel got there he couldn't hear any sex relatable noises just someone cooking in the kitchen, who assumed is Sebastian and his assumption was right. When Ciel poked his head in the kitchen Sebby caught a glimpse of him went to go after him but the look in his eyes told him not to so he went back to cooking not realizing if he had just talked to him Ciel wouldn't be dead.

*End of flashback*

Sebastian p.o.v

I can't believe he's dead I mean he used to be so adorable and the best boyfriend but all that ended when he got caught cheating. This is where his actions led him a dead Ciel in front him.

The hotline number is 1 (800) 273-8255 for the United States open 24 hours a day the languages are English and Spanish

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