Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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It was a bright, sunny morning, like any other morning. Jeff awoke from the alarm coming from his alarm clock, he was extremely tired from staying up all night from watching CoD gameplay videos, although he was 12. Liu also awoke from his alarm clock, but he wasn't as tired as Jeff. It was a school Monday morning for the Woods family."I hate Mondays", Mumbled Jeff. "We all do", Replied Liu. "C'mon boys, Insisted their mother "You're going to be late for school if you don't go and get dressed. "Ok mum", said the boys. There was a sudden sound coming from the front door, it opens. "I'm home!", shouted their father. Mother went and kissed her husband on the cheek, "How was your first day at work sweetheart? She said, "Meh", shrugged the dad. It was his first day of work because the Woods family just recently moved into the neighbourhood and school. As the two brothers came downstairs all ready for school, the school bus arrived, they grab their bags and waved goodbye to their parents. They got on the bus and everbody stared, as if they were aliens from Mars. "WHO ARE YOU!?", Shouted a girly voice from the back of the bus. The busdriver turned around and said "these are two new kids who recently moved into the neighbourhood, Jeffrey and Liu Woods". Everyone on the bus went silent then went back to what they were doing, as if nothing happened. Jeff and Liu slowly walked down the middle of the bus then went past a group of buff looking boys clapping their fists together. "We love new kids" One of the skinny ones said. The others giggled. "I think the're bullies", Whispered Liu. "Yep, this is gonna be a great first day of school", Replied Jeff. They didn't know anyone on the bus, so they sat down into two empty seats near some girls, one of them said
"Oh, you must be Jeffrey and Liu Woods, you look like twins, whose older? Liu points to Jeff but Jeff says "were NOT twins were just...siblings". "Anyways, I'm Jane", She continued. "Hi...Jane", Liu said anxiously. "No need to be nervous, I don't bite" Just after she said that a paper areoplane flew in between them. "Tsk, those damn boys again!", She yelled. Jeff noticed the one who threw the areoplane was one of those 'buff' guys. "Do you know them?", Questioned Jeff. "Yes, the're the school bullies, they annoy the crap outta me"."School...Bullies...", Said Liu worried."No need to be worried...just stay away from them but if they get anywhere near you, walk away slowly, ok?. Liu stares at the buff boys for a second and then suddenly noticed one of them were staring back at him with a death stare, "Ok...", He studders. Jeff was looking out of the window then sees the school, it was massive. "Our old school wasn't even half the size of that", Jeff said amazed. "I know right", said Jane, "On my first day I immediatly got lost.","That gonna happen to us, definitely."The bus pulled over and the doors opened, everyone got out, as if they were a horde of zombies looking for brains. "Here I'll take you to the headmasters office so you'll know what to do."Jane lead the two boys to the headmasters office, then knocked."come in" Said a manly voice. She opens the door then says,"I brought the two new boys here for you.","Thankyou, Jane","You're welcome". She shuts the door. Then the two brothers slowly walk towards the teachers desk and sit down. "So, you must he Jeffrey and Liu Woods, correct?". "They nod"."Ah-em, Ben, could you come in here please?"."The door opens, revialing a short, blonde kid wearing a Legend of Zelda shirt and hat."Now boys, this is Ben, he'll help you make your way around the school so you can get to your classes, ok."uh-huh",they said. "C'mon you two or you're gonna be late for class!", Ben said excited. As they were making their way to their first class, they spotted 3 of the bullies they had saw on the bus, they were beating up a small boy, whilst bystanders watched and cheered."Thank god that isn't us getting beat up by 3 buff guys". Jeff said relived."Yep". Liu added. It was about time they had noticed one of them where staring back at them, the exact same one who was staring at Liu on the bus with the exact same facial expression, death stare.

End of part 1
Part 2 is now out :D

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