Beginning | 1

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I walk down the hallway, people staring at me, laughing. How did I get here? Where did I go wrong? I had always thought things like this only happened in the movies, but this isn't a movie. It's reality.

I stumble my way to the bathroom, fighting tears of humiliation from falling onto my face.

I rush in and lock myself in the first open stall I come across, not even bothering to look around to make sure I was alone.

I sit myself on the toilet and for a second, nothing happens. Then I find myself sobbing and tears streaming down my face and I'm just asking myself, why me?

I hear heels clicking coming towards me and instantly quiet myself. My body is quickly filled with fear. The clicking stops and I can sense someone in front of my stall.

"Well well, what do we have here? Poor baby is crying again." Someone says. Then I hear snickering. "Come on out now or I'll have to record this whole thing and send it to the entire school." The same person says in a slow, viscous voice.

I have to get out eventually, and if I don't right now then it'll be even more humiliating.

My hands shake as I unlock the door and slowly open it. As soon as I open it, hands grab me and yank me out.

"Maybe you should try hiding in a different place next time you whore." She says to me. Those words cut through me and form new tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Alright girls, let's finish this." She says. I then feel myself being thrown against the wall and a huge pain crashing onto me.

"Wake up, you'll never get my guy." She says to me. "Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP."

I snap my eyes ope. It was just a nightmare. Sigh. When will these ever stop?

I flip around on my bed to check my alarm clock. Crap, I'm gonna be late on my first day of freaking high school.

I quickly get up to get ready, I had pre planned everything so it didn't take me long to get ready. I was just so nervous, I had for a new start and I got one and I told myself I wouldn't screw this up for myself.

Nobody is awake yet so I have to be extra quiet. I leave the house and head for my bus.

I've been waiting so long for this day, the day where I get a new start for myself. Middle school was a living hell for me. Who knew middle schoolers could be meaner than high schoolers? I didn't and that got me a sucky middle school life. Can't make that mistake again.

I hear screeching up ahead. It's the bus, oh gosh no I can't miss the bus. I run as fast as I can and barely make it to the bus. I haven't even entered the building yet and I've already managed to embarrass myself. Great.

I board the bus and find the first open seat that I can.

"Hey! That seat is reserved!" I hear someone yell at me just as the bus starts moving. I look to my right and see a boy staring at me.

"Oh I'm so so sorry, I'll move seats at the next stop." I quickly and nervously reply. Mess up count, 2.

The boy changes his face and smiles. "Ha no I'm joking! Are you a freshman?" He asks me. I can already tell this is going to be some confusing silly boy.

"U-uhm y-yeah" Oh gosh no, my stutter is back.

"Oh so am I! Nice to meet you, I'm Matthew but you should probably call me Matt." He confidently replies. I smile. Thank goodness, so far no bullies. Maybe this won't come out to be so bad. "Hey, want me to sit beside you so some big sweaty dude doesn't come by and sit beside you?" I laughed and replied "sure."

Matt and I start talking and of course, (like any other student on the first day of school) look at each other's schedules. I had 2 out of 4 classes with him which was extremely surprising.

The bus ride soon ended and there wasn't that many people that got on, which was a relief.

For the first week we have to go to some class that gives us instructions on the rules and such so Matt and I have to split which I don't like very much because I'm going to be left all alone. Matt can make friends easily, but I can't. Which is a problem.

"See you later Eli!" Matt says. "Bye Matthew!" I reply and laugh. This is going to be such a strange, yet refreshing year.


So I've written lots of stories but never really finished them and I have a great feeling about this one and maybe I won't be so lazy this time around 😂

But I do hope you guys enjoy and that some actual people read this 😅

I promise I'll make it as interesting as I can😂

-much love, katt 💓

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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