Wake Me Up

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My eyelids flutter open to the bright morning light. The sound of the soft patter of raindrops against the window filled the room. Everything was the same as it had been when I had fallen asleep last night. Brendan's warm breath was still tickling the back of my neck, and his arms were still tightly wrapped around me. I wiggled around to face him. His hair all messy, hanging over his eyes but his lips pull into a smile when I face him.

"Good morning kitten" He whispers, his voice tired and raspy making his accent stronger.

He leans in and gives me a small peck on the lips, as he does, his messy hair brushes of my nose making me giggle.

"What?" He asks confused at my sudden laughter.

"It tickles" I whisper back.

"It tickles? What like this?" He laughs as he shakes his head making his hair rub of my nose even more, sending me into a fit of laughter.

"Bren stop!" I shriek in between giggles.

"Nope, never!" He snigers, rolling over so that he's on top of me and I can't wiggle away from him.

I could feel his chest bobbing up and down as he lay on top of me laughing at my light hearted squeals for him to stop. Eventually he did stop. He flicking his hair out of his face so that his eyes met mine.  Our lips gently reconnected. Slow, steady, and sweet as we moved in sync.

But it was interrupted way too soon by my stomach growling.

"Someone's hungry" Brendan chuckled.

"Bloody starving" I add.

"Well then how about I cook you some breakfast?" Brendan offers.

"Ooohh sounds wonderful" I swoon.

He climbs out of bed and pulls on a pair of sweatpants that were thrown on the floor. We both in sync reach for his navy hoodie that was rolled in a ball at the end of the bed. With a stern look, he tries to pull it from me but I tighten my grip, giving him innocent puppy dog eyes. He easily crumbles, giving in and letting go of the hoodie for me to put on.

He scoops me up bridal style and carries me down the stairs, and places me on the kitchen counter. He begins taking ingredients for the fridge and turns on the stove. I sit swinging my legs of the counter watching in admiration as he flurried about the kitchen. How did I ever get this lucky to have someone like Brendan fuss over me.

I sat there staring, enchanted by every small movement he made. The way the muscles on his pale shirtless body each independently flex and relax as he pours milk into a bowl. The way his hand delicately grips the egg as he cracked it against the edge of the bowl. His face so concentrated as he carefully measured out cinnamon powder with a spoon.

He turns, leaning his back against the cupboards as his whisks the ingredients together, smiling up at me.

"What you making" I curiously ask.

"French Toast" He smiles, knowing it's my favourite. My face lights up, impressed by his efforts to make me happy.

He dips bread in the mixture he made before placing on the hot frying pan. With one hand he uses a spatula to flip the bread and with the other hand he takes hold of mine. He delicately caresses the back of my hand with his thumb while he concentrates on not burning the toast.

"Bren" I say fainter than a whisper.

"Yeah kitten?" he replies turning away from the stove and taking hold of my other hand.

I sat there silent for a moment, staring into his eyes.

"I love you" I sigh.

 He places a kiss on my forehead, pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and rests his forehead against mine.

"I love you too" He exhales, his breath tingling against my lips.

My heart was skipping beats as he stood there inches away from me. What I love most about him is how he still has this effect on me. His smile still gives me butterflies, his kisses still make my breath stop for a second.

Slowly trying to remember to breath, inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale, that's when I was pulled out of our little bubble.

"Bren!" I exert. He hums quietly back.

"What's that smell?" I asks worriedly.

"BALLS!" Brendan yelled, alarmed by the smoke floating from the frying pan.

He rushes to turn off the stove. It was too late to save the French toast but just in time to stop a fire. I hop off the counter to grab a tea towel and open the window. I begin fanning the smoke out the window to prevent the fire alarm going off.

"I'm sorry for burning the toast" Brendan apologizes with a sad face.

"It's ok Bren" I smile.

"Cereal?" He chuckles.

"Cereal" I say with a giggle back. 

Wake Me UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora