Before You Read

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I just want to personally apologize for that cheesy, corny, and lame poem in the description. I wrote this at like 3 in the morning so please bear with me.

The reason for this book is to educate the uneducated, to awake the sleeping*,and to put your minds to work. African Americans have been oppressed for centuries and yes, it has gotten better but this racial battle is just beginning.

I bet you're wondering how I plan on using this book (on wattpad!¡) to help and the answer is just 3 simple words. I'm the spark. Only a few people are going to read this book and that's all I need. If one person reads it and feels inspired they can inspire others to channel that negative energy into something creative and useful (unlike rioting). If just one person who somehow has an authority over others reads this and convinces them to help fix this problem, just imagine the possibilities.

So, as you read this book please think about how you can help the African American community, others, and yourself.

*- not literally sleeping, just unaware to the point where its like they're asleep.

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