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Dinah: mila have you seen Austin mahone, he keeps looking at you, I think he wants to "banga banga" you

Camila: ewwwww dinah that's fucking disgusting

Ally and Normani : camila watch your language

The 4 girls had this conversation while walking down the red carpet when suddenly camila tripped but luckily someone caught her, camila was so embarrassed, she went to say thanks to the person that caught her but her voice got stuck in her throat when she saw who it was, it was none other than the world renowned singer Lauren Jauregui

What none of the girls, apart from dinah, knew was that lauren was camilas celebrity crush ever since about 3 years ago so this moment was incredible for her

The 2 of them stood on the carpet lauren still holding camila up while staring into her eyes and smiling well that's until dinah stepped In "sorry about that camila is so clumsy " she said to lauren trying not to laugh at her best friends clumsiness and also the lovestruck look on her face

Lauren replied with "it's perfectly fine ...catching a beautiful girl is exactly what I'm here for" and with that she winked at camila and walked away

Camila turned round to the other girls and stuttered out "w...wh....what the hell just happened "
Which dinah answered with "well my friend. ..I believe that you have just met the love of your life who just so happens to be lauren jauregui " and with that camila just giggled and couldn't stop smiling

It was 2 hours later and the award show had finished 4th harmony won 3 awards and lauren also won 3 awards

Just as they were about to leave a security guard came up to camila and handed her a note and without saying a word he left ,the note said :
Hey Camz
Meet me outside by my car
I want to tell you something
Camila read it and then passed the note to dinah and said "dj does that say what I think it says"
Dinah normani and ally read it ,looked at eachother, smiled and then normani says "mila go get your girl" then ally says "yeah we'll wait for you In the car"

Camila tries to calm down and says okay and then walks away to find lauren and just like it said on the note lauren was standing against her car waiting for camila with her hands behind her back
"Hey beautiful" lauren said as camila approached her
Camila yet again giggled and said "ummm hey lolo" lauren smiled at the nickname then said "so do you wanna go for a ride " pointing at the car, camila smiled and said "yeah sure of course I do " lauren then walked around to open the door for camila she said "why thank you darling" now lauren was giggling
Camila took her cell phone out of her pocket and texted dinah

Camila: hey don't wait for me I'll meet you at the hotel


Camila : no im not least I don't think I am. ...we're going for a ride

Dinah : too much information chanch

Camila: I didn't mean it like that and you know it. ...okay it need to go

Camila put her phone back in her pocket and looked over at lauren who was singing to the radio she sounded like heaven

Camila asked lauren where they were going and lauren said "you will find out soon were almost there its a surprise"

Camila thought this was cute, lauren parked the car and got out and opened the door for camila helping her out but lauren didn't let go of camilas hand

They were at the beach and it was quite dark but lauren led camila to the beach and there was a picnic laid out with candles and big jars of nutella

And that was the start of a beautiful love story called camren

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