Team Bonding

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AN: This will be a new short series I am doing! I will still be writing Russian Snake! Don't worry it will NOT be put on hiatus. I hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Marvel or its characters, the actors, or locations.


Life at the tower was pretty nice. The Avengers had become pretty popular after they saved New York, and the tower was a safe haven from the mobs of paparazzi.

All of the Avengers had adjusted, (Some more than others) and they finally managed to stay in a room together without Natasha threatening to castrate the guys, and Tony not annoying everyone to the point they started to attack each other.

But, today Tony had an idea, and he proposed it during breakfast.

"I have an idea!" He blurted out
"Can I ask you what that is?" Steve said
"No, because I'm already explaining it! I think that since we have started to live together, we should learn more about each other! We can call it "team bonding!"

Natasha stiffened, "Why, should we do this?"
"So we can trust each other!" Tony said matter-of- factly. "Now, I'm not taking no for an answer. Go up to your rooms and get changed and stuff, and meet me in the living room in 10." Tony ordered, and all of the other Avengers went to their floors to change.
Natasha's POV

All I could think about when I went to my floor was, "How am I going to avoid telling the team about my past?" I was great at avoiding questions, but the team barely trusted me right now. If I avoided questions, they would think I have something to hide. Which I do. But, then if I told them completely about my past, then I would ruin a chance of them ever trusting me.

Uggg, my life is so complicated. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind, and walked into my floor. I quickly brushed my hair, and did my makeup. I then threw on a black tank top, and grey leggings.
"I'm gonna regret this." I groaned, and walked to the elevator.
AN: I hope you guys like! Sorry for the SUPER SHORT chapter! I'll update soon!

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