Dannon as Old Folks Fic

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(Complete fanfiction)
By: squidleg

Dannon as Old Folks Fic

--------------- CHAPTER 1 -------------
It was a warm sunny day, the two Youtubers Diegosaurs and Heythereimshannon were sitting on the porch outside their retirement home. They had been married for a very long time and had finally decided to settle down into a retirement home. At Avocado Retirement Estates there were a few other people they knew such as Deefizzy and Bryan Stars. Shannon and Diego both enjoyed this retirement home a lot because the staff took good care of them.

--------------- CHAPTER 2 -------------
Diego held Shannon's hand while they sat in their plastic lawn chairs on the porch. They both considered holding hands on the porch a romantic event, even though they just had a view of the parking lot.

"Shanoooon, can I ask you a question?" Diego asked.

"Of course, you can ask me anything." she replied.

"Do you want to go on YouNow?" Diego asked shyly.

"Sure, do kids even use YouNow these days?" Shannon giggled.

"I have no idea, oh well, we'll just do to it to bring back good memories." he answered.

Diego propped his iPhone 69 up against the porch railing so he could get a good shot of him and Shannon.
Then he clicked on the YouNow app and was ready to begin to broadcast.

--------------- CHAPTER 3 -------------
"3, 2, 1..." they both said in sync, getting ready to push the button to begin the broadcast.

Their old hearts raced as they began to broadcast. A million thoughts ran through their minds, "Do kids even use YouNow?" "Are we still funny?" "Will people still watch us even though we're old?".

All those negative thoughts went away once the amount of viewers started to climb. During, the YouNow Shannon and Diego played truth or dare and told old stories from when they were young adults. Their stories made the viewers smile and the likes began to pile up quickly.

It was getting late so Dannon had to sign off. They signed off by saying "goodbye" and ending the broadcast with a kiss.

Then they both continued to have an amazing time at the retirement center and they both kept making memories.
#Dannon <3

------------- ENDING NOTE -----------

Thank you for reading! If you could get Diego or Shannon to read this that would be incredible, it would be a huge achievement for me! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I plan on writing more fanfiction and other stories. Love you all! <3

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