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Authors note:
lovely,faithful readers,

This is a spin off, of the famous book "pride and prejudice" by Jane Austin.

I will be following the plot of "attack on Titan" (with added OCs when needed) with the theme of "Pride and Prejudice"
There will be a few minor characters in the famous book that will be left out because I feel they are not necessary to the this story,
such as, all the sisters from the original book (because that would be a quite a bit of OCs) and there is a possibility I will not have a wickham character unless you as readers think he needs to be a part of this spin off.

All rights go to the original creators
I do not own "pride and prejudice" or "attack on Titan" I only own the characters to my own creation.
Thank so much and please enjoy ;)


Many years has past, since
humanity has inclosed themselves with these constructed stone walls.

so much panic, fear, terror and conspiracy, swiped over mankind.

No one exactly new what happened that caused that horrendous accident, all so many years ago.

Even though this tragedy blundered humanity, a majority of people have adapted, and
developed fine lives with in these three main walls.

While less fortunate man and woman, young an old, fought for their existence and for
the human race.

A good quantity of people decided to turn there face from the true horror and focus their attention to their own personal first world affairs and agendas.


Beatrice didn't understand what she was feeling, she felt anxiety crawl over her,
she just couldn't get that itch off her back, like something bad was going to happen.

She heard distorted cry from behind her, but when she turned around her vision was
blurry, but something was in front of her.

She started to hyperventilate confused of what
was going on, and why she couldn't see, she began to rub her eyes trying to clear her
Sight but it was too no success.

Beatrice began to feel dizzy, as she her ankles grew
suddenly weak, she fell to the ground, grunting.

she felt the dust from the earth, powder her face from impact, causing her to cough.

a warm heat hit her legs like a bonfire her father used to have in the country.

she heard, what sounded like a inhale to
a following of a animalistic screech.

it ringed in her ears, as it disabled her thought, nothing could escape her throat, she was
too dulled sensed, and shocked to know what was happening.

Until suddenly she felt herself get jerked. something cool and refreshing like a crisp
breath filled her lungs, her vision became dark, but something soft drifted over her fair
skin. And she, somehow felt like a safe,

But then it began to fade away, and suddenly she was floating in nothingness. alone, And confused.

I'm so mixed up, I can't comprehend anything? My head hurts like a pounding hammer,
I feel so lost, it's absolutely miserable. She thought.

"Gahuh!" Beatrice gasped waking up from her slumber, her body was boiling and her
muscles ached from inflated nerves, sweat droplets dripped from the sides of her
delicate face as she panted.

"Beatrice are you quite all right" came running in, a woman, who was defiantly no spring chicken.

Beatrice laid there for a moment, before prompting herself up on a pillow, and

"I'm" she said taking another breath "I'm fine Aunt Ellenis, just a odd dream" Beatrice's eyes widen
As she placed her hand on the top of her head, before being relived that she was surly

"An odd dream" said the woman, "That's no good, I was hoping you would be better
before the scouting legion marched today" the woman began to start fanning herself,

"But if you are still delirious from your fever then it probably wouldn't be a good idea if
we go" she exhausted disappointed.

Beatrice shook her head, "No, its already been four days, I will be fine, I'm just a bit sore" She under expatriated.

"Oh if you do say so, but remember why you and your sisters moved her Beatrice, your father wanted you to meet fine quality bachelors. So make sure you dress yourself to impress.

their are men of high status, and ranking in theses groups, and I want to grant
your fathers wishes, and find all of you suitable husbands." she said nodding,

"But don't get swiped up by one of those so called exhilarating guys, they are no good and will never be able to sustain a family, and household, or really themselves in general" aunt Ellenis babbled pointing a finger at Beatrice,

"You and your older sister my dear our going into the highest point in your life, and your not getting any younger.
so I suggest that you put the romanticized love behind
yourselves, and marry for practicality." she said throwing her hands on her hips for

Beatrice looked down at her hands,
She never really liked the idea of a loveless marriage, but never spoke much of it.

"I don't know if I really want to live that lifestyle" she said looking up, only to see a empty

Beatrice sighed, and pushed her cherry brown hair behind her ear.

She looked outside the window beside her, the town was already alive. the birds were
chirping, the sound of passing carriages, and the occasional conversation between
passing in folk.

It was all very new to Beatrice, her and her sisters lived out in a more secluded area, a
little south from Yalkell in wall Rose.

their house was quite large but more of the hight then of width.
her family was fairly wealthy but unfortunately there mother only had four
girls before her passing.

which left the estate, to their unpleasant cousin.
he was one of the higher ups, in the royal police.

Still, Beatrice had very lucky childhood compared to most, she had two loving parent
and only one of them died from natural causes, but it was a content and peaceful death, she was healthily, never had many lean years, and had never once seen a Titan, though she had heard about the horrid news about wall Maria.

But all around she had lived a happy and easy going life.

Beatrice scratched the back of her head, and peeled off her sheets.
"I ought to clean myself up a bit" she said slowing slipping off the bed.

She stumbled on the floor as she held into the bed post for support, and as she made
her way out a breeze from the window, chilled her sweat drenched spine, making her

"I pray this illness passes quickly" Beatrice said huffing down the hall using the walls to keep her steady.
"if only we took the longer way down here to Stohess" she said as she gently closed the washroom door, clicking the lock rod into place.

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