Zayn Malik

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*ding dong*  

I ran downstairs and opened my front door. 

"YOU'RE LATE!" I screamed at him. I turned around and walked upstairs and into my room, flopping down on my bed. I heard the front door shut and the stairs creek, finally he entered my room, throwing his backpack at the foot of my bed. 

"Sorry babe, had to pick up a few things before I came," Zayn said. 

"Like what?" I questioned. 

"The usual sleepover necessities," Zayn explained, "like candy, chocolate, movies, you name it."  

"Fine Malik...."  

Zayn had been my best friend for as long as I can remember. It was normal for us to have sleepovers, especially when my parents were out of town. He made me feel safe. 

"Where are we sleeping?" Zayn asked. 

"Uhm, I was thinking here," I said, pointing to my bed.  

"I like the basement better," Zayn whined.  

"Fine, lets go to the basement then." I picked up my blanket and pillow, running out of my room, leaving Zayn to carry the rest.  

I had just finished fixing the pull out couch when Zayn had finally made his way down stairs.  

"There's a thunder storm outside," Zayn noted.  

"Great..." I hate thunderstorms. It makes it worse that I'm sleeping the in basement.  

Zayn chuckled at my expression, "don't worry, love." I scoffed at him and pushed one of the DVD's Zayn had brought into the DVD player. After shoving Zayn over, I made myself comfortable on the pullout couch.  

4 movies later, I was starting to get tired. I checked the clock, 1 a.m. I noticed Zayn had fallen asleep. Just as I closed my eyes, I heard thunder and the lightening lit up the room. The basement shook from the thunder.  

"Zayn?" I whispered. No answer. 

"Zayn?" I said a little louder. When he didn't answer a second time, I chucked a pillow at his head. 

"What?" He groaned, throwing the pillow on the floor and laying back down.  

"There's thunder and lightening outside..." I whined. 


"Zaaaayn!" I complained. 

I heard Zayn chuckled as he pulled back his blanket and turned to face me.  

"Come on, then," he said, opening his arms. I crawled in beside him and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.  

"Thanks," I said against his shoulder.  

"Sleep," Zayn responded.  


My eyes fluttered open to a ray of sun shining through a window. I looked around and read the clock on the wall, 10:30 a.m. I groaned and tried to sit up, only to be pulled back down. 

"Zayn, get off," I said tiredly. Zayn responded by holding on to me tighter. I pushed against his chest and he let me roll away, resulting in my back facing him. Before I could swing my legs off the bed, Zayn's arm has snaked around my waist, pulling me closer.  

"Stay," Zayn mumbled, still tired. He lightly kissed the back of my neck, something he's never done before.  


"I like you a lot, ok?" Zayn sighed. "Always have, so stay for a bit longer."  

I didn't respond. I just laid there, beside my best friend, with his arm tightly holding on to me. I started thinking about what Zayn had said. I've always liked Zayn, but I never thought he would like me. Maybe it was just the sleep talking, he didn't really mean to say what he said.  

I waited until I could hear Zayn softly snoring behind me. "I like you too, Zayn," I whispered. Suddenly, I was flipped over, laying on my back while Zayn hovered over me. 

"I know," Zayn said, smirking. "Took you long enough."  

I shook my head, "wait, what?"  

Zayn moved his head closer to mine. "You didn't think I was actually asleep, did you?" He nudged his nose against me.  

"Maybe," I muttered, more to myself than to him. Zayn laughed before moving his head closer and connecting his lips with mine. He stayed like that for awhile, gently kissing me. He was smiling when he pulled away. He kissed my forehead before laying down beside me.  

"So, you like me, huh?" Zayn teased.  

"Shut up," I said, swinging my hand over to hit his chest. Zayn caught my hand and pulled me, so I was laying on my side, facing each other.  

"Its okay, baby, because it just so happens that I like you too," he whispered.  

"I know," I smirked, mimicking him from before.  

Zayn smiled at my weak attempt of copying him, "You really need to work on your impression of your boyfriend, it's quit sad."  

"Boyfriend?" I cocked an eyebrow.  

Zayn nodded and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers. "And you're the girlfriend."  

"I like being the girlfriend," I said quietly, moving closer to Zayn. 

"I like you being the girlfriend as well," Zayn responded. Zayn lowered his head and nudged his nose against my cheek. I released my hand from his and brought both up to rest on his chest, lightly drawing circles.  

"Now," I said, "time for you to make breakfast." I pushed against Zayn as hard as I could, I pushed him right off the bed. I bursted out laughing when I heard him groan.  

"Fine...." Zayn grumbled. He stood up and quickly kissed me. I watched him rub the back of his head as he walked out. I laughed and buried my face in a pillow. Could this day get any better?

Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now