Happy Hymn

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A girl and boy stood, walking side by side as if teasing the smaller boy behind them.
"Come on, Veles! We don't got all day! We're going to be late for school!" The boy proclaimed. He seemed impatient, ready to run at the first chance he got.
"I'm coming!" The younger boy yelled, huffing loudy.
"'Coming isn't fast enough." The girl chuckled. But at that moment, the young boy stopped and stared at their faces.
He became mortified as his friends' eyes became black, dark tears pouring down their cheeks.
"You'll never be fast enough to undo what you've done."


The twenty year-old sleepily awoke from his long and drab slumber. He didn't bother opening his eyes as he stretched.
He wiped his eyes, wondering what this day had prepared for him. But his mind insisted he stay home for the time being so he decided to stay inside and order a pizza or something to complete his dreadful exsistance.
He got up a few hours after lying on the bed thinking about life and lazily put his feet on the floor and headed to the bathroom to examine his condition. What he saw in the mirror was a nicely toned body with several scars running along every inch of his bare skin. To make matters worse, his platinum blond hair was in a mess that wouln't and couldn't be fixed. Instead, he pushed the right side of his bangs behind his ear and tried his best to get the left out of his face. It only made matters worse when he peered into the dead, black abyss of his eyes and the orange dots amongst them. He knew that it was either that or settling with already abnormal yellow eyes.
He sighed, knowing it couldn't be helped. So he walked to the main room were his bed and game station lay. He looked around the room, trying to find a particular object. He eventually found them next to his night stand on the floor. He proceeded to pick up the goggles that sat patiently on the floor and put them over his eyes.
He sat, hugged his knees, and thought quietly to himself on what to do next. It was either eat human food and continue on his quest to kill dragons or go out and begin his hunt.
He smiled to himself while imaging the screams of others. In both situations, it was enjoyable to watch them suffer but there was always a downside to everything. So he choose the obvious answer.


Veles grinned as the virtual hounds ripped into their intended target. He was excited to watch his enemy continously fight back until they finally fell limp to the ground. It was far more enjoyable than watching them run. If only, he wished, it could happen that way in the real world.
He felt accomplished from his victory and shoved the not so warm pizza into his mouth. He swallowed without chewing, but he could still taste the human food on his tongue.
He picked up the water beside him and chuged it. He tossed the half empty cup behind him, not caring about the mess he made.
He paused his game and stretched. "I think it's time." He said as he glanced outside.
He got up and fished out a shirt from his cabinet. He slipped it on and proceeded to gather his things for his nightly hunt. He shoved a mask into his backpack and grabbed some money, just in case.
He slipped on his jacket and proceeded to walk out the door with his backpack on hand.


Veles peered into the small coffee shop and blinked lightly. How bothersome. He thought as he saw the many ghouls inside. He started counting them with his pointer finger. He wondered how many would be hunting tonight.
He stopped counting when a beautiful smell entered his nostrals. He looked to his sides. Nothing.
It was obviously coming from inside to have that strong of a scent. He sighed, Bothersome indeed.
He entered the shop and adjusted his goggles, making sure they were present. He sat down in a two-seater table and waited for someone to come over.
A small girl walked over. Her purplish hair in her face. "Hello, how may I serve you today?"
Veles sniffed the air. Not her. "I'm assuming you have coffee. So... Uh.. That. I guess."
The girl narrowed her eyes, "Alright." She said with a forced smile.
He sighed and waited patiently. Eventually he got bored and rested his head in his hand. He glanced at the old man behind the counter. No. He looked to a small girl behind him. No.
He almost got up to leave, but was stopped by a voice. "Here you are."
A boy peered down at him as he set the coffee down. He wore an eyepatch on his left eye which bothered Veles.
The boy stared at Veles, trying to figure out what was behind his black, opaque goggles.
Veles sniffed, Him. He smiled, showing sharp canines. "Like them?"
The boy blushed then began to stutter. "I wasn't... I... I."
"It's cool. A lot of people are curious." His smile became a sly smirk, "They help me see. Hand made for my eyes only." He shifted them to emphasize them. "So may I ask where my lady of a waitress went?"
The boy stuttered again, "S-she had to do something."
Veles could tell that what he said wasn't what was true. He leaned forward, "So then what is my new waiter's name if you don't mind my asking."
"Uh, Kaneki, sir."
"Kaneki, huh?" He sipped the coffee. He choked it down, feeling the hot liquid infect his throat. Even though he was a ghoul, he hated the taste of coffee. He would rather scarf a whole plate of human food than coffee. There was just something about it that made him gag and overly hyper. It exhausated him by just thinking about it.
He looked at the cup, "You make this?" The boy nodded, "It's good. Thank you." He said, clearly lying through his teeth.
Veles quickly swallowed the last gulp and got up. It was nice meeting you." He fished 3000 yen from his pocket and handed it to him. "You. Keep the change. Annnnnd-" He looked around for more, finding it in his other pocket. He put the 700 yen in Kaneki's free hand. "This is for my waitress." He smiled again and left with only a wave goodbye and a cheery hymn that he hummed under his breath.


"That man! Who was he?" Touka angrily exclaimed. "His scent was.... Off."
"I didn't notice anything." Kaneki thought a moment, "But once I think about it."

"It's alright you two." Yoshimura spoke as if he heard this conversaton many times before. He glanced at Touka, signalling for her to leave.
In response, she gave a dirty look and left.
"When you go home tonight, be careful. There have been rumors that two ghouls have appeared recently without warning and are quickly rising in rank to S class."
Kaneki gulped, but nodded. For some odd reason, there was a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.


Later on that night, as Kaneki walked home. He could smell something. Something close.
He didn't want to chase the scent, but his instincts said otherwise. He followed it with a quickened pace. The scent, however, was depleting. Fast. So he hurried along until the aurama overwelled him.
But he stopped dead in his tracts at the scene before him. It was an animal, tearing at human flesh. Even going so far as to eat the carcass' bones.
But what scared Kaneki the most was that this animal, upon closer inspection, was a ghoul.

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