Chapter One: My Slumber is Strange.

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We are on tour, and I ,over time, tend to think and wonder why that I keep... well, I don't know.

Sleeping longer than usual, I guess. It's really strange, and I, again, still can't get the feeling I'm not going to be okay one day.

No matter how many times I kept thinking about it, I just seemed to slow down and just calm a bit. It's no big deal, maybe it's just I'm stressing, or maybe it's that I'm maybe not getting enough sleep at a time. I'll just give in to it, it will be over soon.

Was I wrong?

Yes, there was no way I would be correct about that. After I stopped thinking, I fell into a deep sleep once again. Luckily, I was on tour, so I was able to have someone wake me up every time I seemed to have suddenly fallen asleep out of the blue. Who woke me up right now? Kevin.

Thanks, Olusola!

Anyways, he had finally gotten to sit beside me and asked me a question, "So, what's going on?" He was highly concerned, "You've been sleeping a lot, and you look pretty pale. I can tell, it's not good at all."

I nodded in agreement, "Yes, I know. I don't really have a choice. I mean, I'm not saying I have to do it for a reason, it's just it happens and I don't even try. I feel horrible..."

Kevin was becoming more and more upset.

At least that is how I saw him. I don't think I quite remember. Oh well, I know for sure he wasn't happy. Anyways, he patted my back, pulling me in gently for a soft hug and pulled away as he tried to look into my dull, shining eyes. I looked desperate.

I could tell myself, I felt miserable!

Kevin was now sadder, and I didn't know what to say to him besides 'I'll be fine.' Or 'It's okay, it's not a big deal.' Since when did that make sense when a pale human being was looking so sickly to you and tried to say, "I don't need anything, I'm totally fine."? I don't know. I never, and never will, meet someone who would do that.

Back to subject, as Kevin was becoming even more down than before, he lay me down on the couch, getting up to go get something. I don't think he said anything, otherwise I might have accidentally muted him out.


Now, I was awake again. I have no idea, not the slightest memory, of what happened. Of course, I was asleep. That obviously would mean I would not have gotten any other thing, especially exactly whenever I did fall asleep after Kevin got up.

I keep going off subject, but now I'll be really serious. Back to what I was saying, I awoke to a conversation. 'Where am I?' I thought, 'Where is this? I thought we were on tour...'
Once I was noticed awake, a nurse came to me and asked, "How are you feeling, honey?"

I didn't know what to say. I was a mix, but mostly in a horrible way. I simply answered, "Like.. my slumber is strange.."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know, it's short. It's not exactly a prologue, but just a kick-start for the general idea of the story, or how the main character feels and what it's like. :) -SirHB.
P.S the cover is coming soon. Workin' on it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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