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This is my poem so please do not copy it as your own. I love you guies but come up with your own ideas. Enjoy my first published item c:
*What makes your life worth more than another's, When you grow up hearing you're worth nothing. Too who? I take what I can get when my life runs in a different direction from what path my heart chooses to take. When my world is worth nothing to anyone but me. When the only person who finds me truly beautiful is myself. When everything is out of place. I can't just stand and watch it as it falls. My heart is screaming what's right, it's all I have to look forward to. When everyone calls me ugly, when everything takes the worse turn, when the people I trusted the most hurt me the worse. Why should I trust. I've never been afraid of the unknown, because the unknown has to be better than this lie people tell me. All they have is pity for me. I DON'T NEED THAT PITY THOUGH. When people try to take the shame they have and put it on me, when people take there pain and release it on me, when people take there sadness and blame others for what they can't accomplish on their own. WHEN PEOPLE JUDGE YOU FOR FINDING YOURSELF AND NOT WANTED TO BE LIKE OTHERS. I can't stand here today and say that I am not worth anything, because I'm worth something. Somebody see's me as AMAZING and INSPIRING. I have a purpose, YOU have a purpose too. No matter how many mistakes, no matter how many flaws, no matter how many weaknesses, no matter how many bullies, no matter how many tears, no matter how many lies, no matter how many time you wish your live would just end, no matter how many people tell you that you're nothing when in reality you are everything, no matter what you are worth it, and no matter what I see the beauty other cannot. If you can't see the reasons for going on, just stand up and look at yourself for as long as it takes. FIND SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL THAT NO ONE CAN CHANGE, no matter how hard they try. YOU ARE WORTH IT, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Even if everything says differently, I promise you that if you look close enough, or long enough you will find something beautiful that makes you Amazing, Important, Beautiful, Worth it, Desirable, Wonderful, and SPECIAL. I promise you that you will find something that'll help you go on. And one day, maybe a long time from now when you have children, and you'll be able to tell your BEAUTIFUL babies about how you survived the hatred, and excelled in loving others as well as loving yourself. You will be able you say I found real beauty in the souls of other, when some would say there is nun. For when that time comes you will remember that moment when you looked into that mirror, and all you saw was something worth fighting for, YOU SAW THE FUTURE YOU WERE GOING TO HAVE AND TOOK THAT TO HEART. That's when you will understand that EVERYONE and I Mean E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E is worth something. That's when you'll realize that no matter how screwed up society is and that no matter how many times you fall down you will always be able to look up. Some people can't stand back up but EVERYONE can look up. So in the end, nobody's life is worth more than yours, because no matter who they are and where they are. You were made different for a reason, you are unique as well as special in one or more ways. YOU ARE YOU, and no one else can be who you are even if you haven't found yourself yet. Again in the end You Are Worth It ( YAWI)*

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