The Perfect Homicide

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       They say you can't get away with murder. They said don't waste your time creating the perfect homicide. I don't believe them, I believe that I can. To create perfection you of course have to have a target. I walked around town blending in and searching for the perfect victim. I saw a perfect person to end.

       Adjacent to me, just standing there. I knew I would have to get close to this person to convince them to follow me. As the rush turned into a trickle, I saw my first available opportunity. I hurtled in to take my chance. I knocked them out and dragged them away completely unscathed.

       This was just a foretaste of what was to come. It was a mutual change in both our lives. I now yearned for kill. The cops never interrogated me because I did what they always said was impossible. I created the perfect murder.

       I was never a transparent person. Never was never will be. Even as a child I was never unique in any way. Adults never droned on and on because I was actually interested in what they had to say. I was an only child and that was all I was used to. I never yearned for the newest, best, toy. I spend my time trying to prove them wrong.

       By the time you're reading this I have already disappeared. It was the main ingredient in my master plan. I was never caught because I am everywhere. Look for the most miscellaneous things and ignore them because I blend in. I look normal while on the inside I was planing the next perfect homicide. I am going to be back I took a break because they were getting suspicious, so remember I could be watching you right now. You could be my next victim. 

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