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"From the eternal darkness unto darkness, those with life everlasting cruised the eons of forever, leaping from star systems across the galaxy to plant the seeds of intelligence and reason. At various points of the vast, vast night, hopes flicker but those who lose faith are in dire peril." from the Earth chronicles 5000 AD. 

IN THE GREAT BEGINNING of time when the sun is very young and blazing in the middle of a massive disc of cosmic debris that in the course of billions of years will coalesce into planets and moons, and asteroids, and some becoming wandering comets..

Sixty thousand years ago

On a wind-swept plain in the south of what is now France, a band of Neanderthal hunter-gatherers crept stealthily in the thick grass toward grunting, grazing herd of bison in a meadow just on the edge of a forest. It was eerily quiet and still save for their quarry,  and even the beast were somewhat subdued in a strange way.

       The leader of the group, a tall, big-boned male alpha impatiently brushed back locks of hair that kept blowing in front of his squinting eyes as he scanned their immediate sorroundings.

      "Soon, when our flaming father heads down the distant peaks and cold mother softly shine above, we will feast and fill our bellies with tender, juicy meat and we will offer their blood and bones to our great father and mother up above among the many embers. He was referring to the sun and moon and blue stars, to which the early hominids had look up to a their guiding light and guarding, superior beings.

       He was jolted back from his daydreams and his attention turned back on their prey after a slight movement to his right and a deep rustle behind. The sub alpha had approached his position gingerly, slowly picking his way among the rocks and careful not to move the grass to much, lest he startle the grazing bison herd. Parting a bundle of grass blades, he spotted the nearest animal, still nibbling contentedly on the vegetation just about ten big strides to the left.

His men, numbering eight fingers,  were getting quite impatient as they waited for his signal to start  the kill. Already, they had fitted arrows tight on their quivers and kept trained to nearest prey for several heartbeats. He gazed up, to their burning father above, showering the entire world with his light, muttering a silent supplication , he raised his right hand..

            The probes sent their own cryptic messages toward the homeworlds of their masters on the exact present conditions of the fledging star system. It would take a period of eternity before the robotic dark spheres, silently orbiting the infantile sun from comfortable distances away from the chaotic mass of billions of billions of rocks and tiny dust particles will wake up upon receiving new commands streaking across billions of miles of the black void  from the enlightened overminds of the vast galactic sector.

             Messages were sent back to the probes which included complex set of commands to activate the embedded geologic engineering codes and so the mechanical servitors became extensions of the overminds and leading council of a very distant advanced world.
           There was enormous work done at such a great scale! The probe space artisans-being extensions of the galactic masters would be cosmic painters of an vast, gigantic canvas laid out before a burning sun. Beheld by their sensors at an angle, the gargantuan disc of dust and gas cloud still needed some particular catalyst so that when the cosmic peeble is thrown in the midst of the orbiting chaos, the outside action will hopefully start a chain of events that will cause the formation of rocky planets spinning around a lively yellow star-an additional domain of the brotherhood of reason.
         Thus the solar system was conceived and convulsed to a shaky birth. In silent presicion, these hybrid-powered space machines of varying sizes commenced work on the greatest geological project that will neverbe equaled at least in this tiny point of the galaxy. From the outer edges of the dust cloud, probes herded solitary asteroids and other rocks they had intercepted in the black void in position while various chemical additives were imbedded into them preparatory to the triggering process.
        Finally, with calculated explosive force, and with deliberate succession, the rocks and asteroids were immersed into the churning matter and entrusted on the warm embrace of the sun which will mold them into beautiful inner rocky planets while the probes watched and reported all the events to their expectant master worlds.

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