Chapter 1

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"Y/N I'm so excited to see the girls tomorrow. We've waited nearly two months for this." Ariel practically yelled.

"Yep, can't wait." I smiled half heartedly.

"Yo what the hell is wrong with you just yesterday you were jumping off the walls screaming about how you couldn't wait to meet the girls." my friend for two years questioned locking her arm with mine.

"I'm just feeling anxious for the meet and greet. Like how many people can say that they've met their heroes?" I said finally releasing my thoughts that had my mind elsewhere.

"You're thinking about this way too much. Just think about this in less than 14 hours you will be able to 'accidentally' touch Camila's Cuban booty." Ariel said keeping a straight face. I couldn't help but laugh knowing how dead ass serious she was being. I pulled my arm out of her grip and nudged her side as we made our way outside the mall with a handful of bags filled of clothes for tomorrow's concert.

"I actually feel like I will have a heart attack while standing in line." I said having a hard time holding on to the bags in my hands.

"Knowing you, you probably will or worst case scenario you have a panic attack and pass out in front of them." Ariel replied back just as serious as before.

"Yeah thanks for that A that's exactly what I need to be thinking about right now." I laughed at how blunt she was but didn't mind it because I had grown used to it over the years.

"No but you really have to chill I'll be there with you the whole time so you won't even need to speak to save yourself from the embarrassment. We all know how much you stutter when you're nervous." She said.

"I don't think I want you to say anything on my behalf even if I do go mute." I stated putting the bags in the back seat of my car and hopping in the driver's seat.

"Well like your mom said they are still only people like you and I. Seriously Y/N don't think about it so much you'll just freak you're self out even more." She tried to reassure me

"Yeah I guess. You want the aux cord?" I asked trying to change the subject. Ariel took the cord with out hesitation and soon enough we were making our way to her house blasting 'I'm in Love with a monster' on repeat the whole ride. We finally made it into Ariel's driveway after a good ten minutes.

"I literally can not fucking wait! I'll call you later tonight okay?" Ariel squealed as she practically jumped out of the car.

"I'll be sure to answer." I called out before she slammed the door and ran inside her house.

I made my way back to my house contemplating about how tomorrow would go. I probably should have stopped because I was only making myself even more anxious.

Once I finally made it back to my house I rushed inside to find that it was empty. I decided to get some Chinese food delivered knowing my mom and siblings would have already eaten leaving me to fend for myself.

I went upstairs to get everything ready for my day with Ariel and the meet and greet that would take place later that night.

Right after I got done eating my food that was delivered my phone began ringing I figured it would be Ariel calling like she said so I answered after the second ring.

"What sup Ariel?" I asked assuming it was her that I was speaking to.

"Y/N Hey It's Christy from biology class." I tried to stifle the groan that came out of my mouth but ended up failing. Christy was in my biology class and she always tried to embarrass me in front of the whole class with my "personal" information I honestly didn't give a shit because the things she would tell the other students I would have told to anyone in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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