i was tagged and now i have to answer questions

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i was tagged to do a ten questions thingy by PanicattheKnickers and now bringmethescared so here you go i guess

Jamie, Jazzmon, Jammy, Jazzy, Smartass, Dad, and thats pretty much all I can remember.

What's your eye colour
My eyes are so dark (brown) they probably rival the colour of my soul

What's your hair colour
Dark Brown

A random fact about you
I play the guitar

Favorite Colour
Blue or dark red

Favorite Place
Probably where I live which is the Bay Area in California or Maui because its the waves there are great for surfing and the people are so nice

Favorite Celebrity
I have quite a few favorite celebrities so I guess I'll name them all.
Gerard Way, Halsey, Brendon Urie, Lyn-Z Ballato, Frank Iero, Patrick Stump, Ray Toro, Pete Wentz, Melanie Martinez, you probably get the idea.

Favorite Animal
Probably sea turtles becajse they're fucking adorable and fun to swim with

Favorite Song
I have far too many favorite songs but right now its probably Give Em Hell Kid by MCR or My War by Black Flag

Favorite Book
First of all I'm always a slut for Harry Potter but if I had to choose something else it would probably be Its Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini

i have to tag some people now so greentwdchemicalday heckakawaii Violet_Poison YourEmoGayLord

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