Dear Constance, Count Me In (All Time Low FanFic)

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[Constance's Point Of View]

"So long and good night Dulaney High School!!" I screamed into the microphone. The audience of seniors that sat in front of me all stood up cheered and we took off our white cap and threw them into the air, I jumped off the stage and crowd surfed, I saw the principal his face as red as a tomatos. I laughed and flowed through the crowd. At the end I fell into a guy's arms I looked up and into the eyes of Alexander Gaskarth who grinned down at me.

"Are you trying to cause' trouble Conny?" He questioned.

I grinned back up at him and ruffled his long shaggy hair. "Always am Alex, and you need a haircut." 

He flipped hair and replied, "No way this hair to amazing and Amanda Lundgreen wouldn't like me anymore." 

"Dude, she doesn't actually like you all she wants is you to bang her."

"I just may grant her wish." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Gross, put me down boy I want Jacky." Right on cue he appeared right by Alex's side. 

"I think we might want to run the principal is looking for Constance and he isn't looking to happy." He said. 

Just then I heard a booming voice through a bullhorn. "Constance Hurst!"

I looked at the three boys in front of me which were Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Rian Dawson. 

"Time to get this show on the rode boys!" 

We turned away from the seniors still cheering, I saw security guards and the principal pushing through the crowd. We turned and started running towards the student parking lot, we dodged all of the families walking across the field to greet their graduating family member. Along the way I saw my mother and my little sister, Isabell. I stopped and gave them both a kiss on the cheek, my mother screamed my name and I waved my arms. I reached Rian's Ford truck the boys were already in, I climbed in the back into the trunk, Alex came and joined me. 

I slammed the top with my hand and shouted, "Go! Go! Go!" 

Rian pulled out of the parking lot, the principal and the security guards barely arrived, we sped past them and the principal threw a clipboard on the ground. I laughed and leaned on Alex's shoulder. Jack poked this head through the little window and shouted, "Raise your middle fingers if you don't give a fuck!"

Me and Alex raised both of our middle fingers and shouted in unison, "Fuck you Dulaney High!" 

Rian sped out onto the somewhat busy road, I took off my gown and let it fly away. Exposing me in my dress which was a sparkly peach color on the upper body part and the skirt was silky maroon color with a black bow around the waist, I adjusted my sparkly flowerly headband. I grabbed the heels that were in a corner of the truck and slipped them on, I looked over at Alex who was staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned.

"I'm looking at the most beautiful girl in the world." He replied simply. 

I blushed and pushed my blue hair out of my hair, suddenly we pulled to a stop. I hopped up and realized we were at Zack's house. I jumped off the side of the truck and into Jack's arms.

"Jacky!" I squealed. 

He picked me up bridal style and walked up the porch, he kicked in the door and shouted, "Oh honey! I'm home-!" Stretching the "o". Rian and Alex stalked in not to long after us shoving each other, Jack threw me onto the couch and I leaped for the TV remote. Zack then entered with no shirt trying off his hair with a pink towel.

"I was expecting you guys to come around like four not three." He said.

Jack walked off to the kitchen humming some random song, Alex and Rian came and sat on top of me.

"We would have come around four but, someone decided to get kicked out a little early." Rian replied. 

Zack raised his eyebrow. "I'm guessing Alex?" He questioned.

Alex made a dramatic face and threw a couch pillow at him. I slowly surfed through the TV channels.

"It was me." I spoke simply.

"Wow, I don't know why I didn't think of your name. What'd you do?"

 I looked over and grinned at him. "I lowered a banner after the validvictorian (sp?) speech that said, 'Fuck you Danely High!' and I jumped on stage and yelled into the PA system. 'Goodbye and goodnight Danely High School!'" 

He shook his head at me but, I caught a smile. Jack walked in with his arms full of food from Zack's kitchen.

"We had no part in it sadly, well all we knew was that she was going to crowd surf." He said. 

I stole a bag of chips from him and ripped it open. 

"So boys, were finally of out hell which most people refer to as school. What are our lovely plans?"

The boys looked at one another with grins on their face.

"What? What does Constance not know?! You little fuckers tell me!" 

Alex looked at me and replied, "All Time Low begins." 

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Your band?"

He nodded. I jumped up and shrieked, they joined me and we all celebrated us graduating. We partied all night long. At that time I honestly never expected All Time Low to be big, little did I know this band, these four boys would be a huge impact on my life...


AUTHORS NOTE: HEY GUYS! I hoped you all enjoyed the prologue, anywho if you're interested in what Constance's graduation outfit looks like just click on the external link that is at the top right under the book cover! THANKS FOR READING AND GO AHEAD AND CONTINUE ON TO CHAPTER ONE ~ Lyra 

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