Yami Yugi x Reader One-Shot

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"Aye! That's no fair, Tristan! You were cheatin'!" Joey accused, pointing a finger at the brunette boy as the screen showed up that Tristan was the winner of the video game they were playing with Yami and Yugi.

The tall teen rolled his eyes and scoffed, "No! You just suck, Wheeler! Admit it! You stand no chance against my Snake!"

Those words fueled the blonde's competitive side as he stood up and held a fist in front of his teasing friend, "Wanna bet? I bet my Ike could kick your sorry butt anytime he wanted! My fingers are just sore from pressin' the buttons!"

"Those are excuses, Wheeler and you know it!" Tristan fought back.

The younger Muto sibling began to panic at the little feud rising between his friends, "G-Guys! Come on! It's just a game. We're just playing for fun, right?"

Joey shook his head, keeping his glare on Tristan, "No chance, Yuge. He cheated!"

"No I didn't. You ju-" the brunette teen was cut off by a strong wack upside his head.

"You're both idjits." a new calm voice spoke, hinted with slight annoyance.

All the boys turned their head to see it was (y/n) who hit Tristan, with Tea and Serenity smiling at their side.

"Guys, you're here!" the young Yugi exclaimed and sighed, thankful that their (h/c) friend had got Tristan and Joey to shut up before something bad happened.

The older Muto sibling stood and smiled, greeting the trio before turning to his love and kissing their temple as his arms wrapped around their waist.

"What took you guys so long?" he questioned with concern in his matured voice as (y/n) began to reply.

"We tried to get Tsu out from behind the couch so we could put him back in his pen." his (s/o) explained the situation about their pet rabbit Yami had given to his (s/o) for Christmas.

Serenity giggled, adding, "We tried to lure him out with a carrot because we ran out of celery but he wouldn't take it. So Tea ran out to buy some celery and it worked."

Tristan raised a brow at Joey's sister and asked, "Why didn't you guys just move the couch?"

(y/n) turned to look at him while answering, "Parents tossed out the old couch and bought a new one. Black leather. Weighs a lot more than what you and Joey can eat."

Said teens pretended to be offended by the (h/c) teen's comment before the group burst out laughing at their facial expressions.

Once the laughter died down, Tea looked at the screen and smiled, "Supersmash Bros, again?"

"Yeah. Ya' guys wanna play?" Joey offered, holding out his controller.

Shaking her head, Tea declined as did Serenity.

(y/n), on the other hand, beamed at the screen, failing to hide their love for video games.

Yami noticed his (s/o)'s expression and chuckled, taking them out of their thoughts as they blushed a bit.

"Would you like to play?" he asked, holding his controller to his love.

Their (e/c) eyes widened as they stuttered, "N-No, it's okay. You c-can keep playing."

The Pharaoh shook his head before grabbing their hand as he sat down on the floor in front of the arm rest of the couch, dragging them down with him.

He put the controller in their hands and confidently smiled at them, "You can play, (y/n)."

Sitting next to Yami, his (s/o) couldn't refuse anymore with hands hands on their's as they now held the controller.

Sighing, they pouted and gave in, sticking their tongue out at him childishly.

"Fine.." the (h/c) gamer muttered as Tristan put the character select screen back on.

Joey picked Ike, Tristan picked Snake, Yugi picked Pit, and (y/n) picked Lucario.

They picked Final Destination and began to battle.

Most of the time, Joey and Tristan were just fighting each other, leaving (y/n) to fight Yugi until he had lost all his lives.

Laughs and shouts were thrown around the room as the fight drew out since Ike and Snake were now evenly matched since Joey just wanted to beat Tristan and vice-verse.

(y/n) sighed lazily and leaned against Yami's shoulder, debating whether or not if they should kick both their butts and end the fight, or wait until one of defeated.

After several seconds, Yami's (s/o) impatiently charged in with Lucario and kicked Ike to the side of the screen, finishing him off before repeating the same step to Snake, becoming the winner of this battle.

Joey and Tristan turned their heads at the young teen with their jaws dropped.

"H-Hey! We weren't done yet! I almost had him!" the blonde teen exclaimed.

"You guys were too slow." (y/n) bluntly replied as a small smirk formed on their face.

Everyone laughed except for Joey and Tristan who were blushing from embarrassment.

Even Yami's deep chuckle could be heard while he played with strands of their hair, causing the gamer's chest to lighten.

After a couple rounds, Yami moved a bit to make them both comfortable, letting (y/n) sit in between his legs with their back against his chest whilst his arms were held around their waist.

Snuggling into him, (y/n) looked up at him and asked, "Do you want to play?"

The Pharaoh glanced down at his love and the controller before answering, "Sure..?"

His arms reached out to grab the controller from the teen as they rested their hands in their lap, giving themselves a hand massage from all the button smashing.

Yami's chin rested on their shoulder so he could see the screen better, occasionally giving his (s/o) random little kisses throughout the fight, causing the gamer to smile like an idiot.

The boys were too much into the game to notice, but Tea and Serenity giggled at the loving attention (y/n) was receiving from the powerful duelist

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