Perfect is for losers.

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I wrote this when I was going through a break-up.

I changed it up a bit, but it is based on what I was feeling.

Just needed to let it out, I guess.

I'm fine now, btw. :)

~ Z

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You remember that night when you met each other? You remember the amazing conversations; weird conversations even. You talked to that person all fucking night; texting or calling. Then you sleep with a smile on your face. Just that one night. You knew it's gonna go far. You knew it's going to be amazing and you're gonna do all the things you wanna do. Then you wake up, jumping out of your bed just to check your phone to see if that person texted. Then you see a "good morning :)" text. It's a bit sweet, it's sweet how that person thought of you in the morning. Morning. First thing of the day.

Then you start talking more and more. You get to know them. Their past. What they want in the future. Their hobbies. What they like to eat. What kind of music they listen to. How many siblings they have. Where they have been in the world. Their obsessions; they can even make the sickest obsessions look so beautiful. You get to know them; who that person really is. It has only been a couple of weeks, and you feel like you've known them forever. Then bam. You wake up in the middle of the night..thinking of that person. You think, "shit. Well this is gonna hurt like a little bitch in the end." Then all the blah blah's happen - you exchange feelings, you go out with that person, and everything feels like you're just cruising around the world..with that person.

Then the time comes. The time where you slip out an "I love you." Then you freak out because they might think you're a creep or something. But you freaking out is all for nothing because... Because they love you back. Because that person will stay with you. Because that person will make you happy. Because in that particular moment, the word "love" has their name written all over it.

It's amazing to fall in love. It feels like you're hypnotized. Like everything is perfect. Like you just found out you got negative on an STD test (okay, maybe not like that). Like you just got the best gift ever, and you're good for the rest of your life. Like your favorite song is never gonna end. Like you can do all you want, and just being with them makes you so happy. You both can even be in a box, just sitting there, watching a movie, and not caring about anything else because you both are happy together. The way that they show you their world is just perfect.

And then.. Then there's this. You dont get excited about "good morning" texts anymore. You've learned everything about their past. Getting to know each other is done. Then there comes the missed calls. Friends are picked over them. Fights continue to emerge. You're just tired now. And the meaning of love is starting to fade.

In a blink of an eye, the only love you knew..just walked away. You just know right there that it wasn't meant to be. That maybe, just maybe, you two were the right thing in the wrong time. Or maybe it wasn't right at all. Maybe they were just passing down your road. Maybe they're meant to turn right and be on somebody else's road.

You walk home alone, music in your ears, wishing it was their voice. There are no calls anymore. Not even a "hey" once in a while. And then in this moment, you're not sure where you're gonna go. You're lost again. Then you think, "yeah. I knew this was going to hurt. I just ignored it because I was blinded by my own happiness. You."

You give out a sigh and stare at the moon. Hoping that you move on soon.

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