Remember Me, Forever and Always

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She's singing softly in the night
Praying for the morning light

~*Romania's P.O.V.*~

I awoke from the slip of consciousness by the soft singing of my partner. My eyes fluttered open and I found her standing by the window of our little sanctuary with a dreamy look of wishful hopes and melancholic pain adorning her beautiful face. I didn't pay much attention to the words she sang, but the emotions she put into it.

And judging by the feelings I felt touch my cold heart, I knew she sang about us. She put our story into a song, and made it into a beautiful melody that would touch anyone's heart.

I went up to her and enveloped her in an affectionate and attempted comforting hug. My presence didn't disturb her song, if anything it added more meaning. I caught a few bits and pieces of the words she sang. She prayed that the sunrise came quickly and that the liberating morning light would come.

As did I. I too waited for the morning sun to show its beautiful, illuminating soft rays of life that lights up the entire world, and may our prayers be answered.

She dreams of how they used to be
At dawn they will be free

"I wish things were different." she murmured quietly, but I still heard her. "I wish they could be like they used to be."

I nuzzled into her neck lovingly. "I know. I do too, dragă." I whispered.

She wrapped her arms around my torso buried her face in my chest, seeking some sort of comfort from my presence. I stroked her hair lovingly to show her that I was there and always would be no matter what came between us.

"I dream of the times when everything was different. When we could freely be happy." she whispered in my shirt. I could feel the silent tears that fell from her eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to take away all her sadness, but I also knew that it wouldn't disappear until we were completely safe and happy again. That was something I knew wouldn't happen unless we did this.

"Da, I know, dragă." I murmured in her hair. "But at dawn we'll be free, you know that."

"Da, dragă..." she mimicked me softly, letting my native language roll perfectly off her tongue, which sent figurative shivers down my spine.

Memories they haunt his mind
Save him from the endless night
She whispers warm and tenderly
Please come back to me

My consciousness slipped again and pictures from so long ago started flowing and flooding my head. No matter how much I didn't want to see these pictures and images they were what kept me going. They were what made me go through with this, and I knew it was the same for my partner.

While our memories were what made me go through with this, my partner was what made me take this decision.

[Name], that was her name. She was my partner in life, my other half, what made my life complete – made me complete. Without her I was nothing and I wouldn't be able to live, and without doing this we wouldn't live long.

The memories haunted my mind and just waited for those few moments where my mind slipped so they could enter it and torment my thoughts and psyche.

Just as I felt my sanity slip more though, I heard my beloved's voice call out to me and save me from its evil clutches.

Romania x Reader  - Remember Me, Forever and Always -Where stories live. Discover now