In Ten Years.

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A prequel to Parental Role, chapter 453 of Fairy Tail. So this is the night before all the things happened in that chapter.

Cana laughed as Lucy's face grew red.

"Come on, can't you hold your liquor?" Cana laughed.

"No--oh's just I don't normally drink this much." Lucy puffed out, rubbing her rosy cheeks.

"Come on Lucy, one more drink." Gray laughed, teasing Lucy as she covered her mouth.

"Oh stop it, Gray! I've had my fair share of beer tonight..." Lucy sighed.

"But you're so cute when you get drunk," Cana said with a perverted expression.

"No, she's not!" Natsu huffed. "She's a grade A pain!"

"What?! Natsu!" Lucy shouted.

"You made me carry you all the way to the bathroom when you and all the other girls got all drunk on that sake!" Natsu hissed. "And you were all clingy and kept wanting me to pet you."

Levy snickered, "I guess you were just a bit more honest when you were drunk."

"Levy!" Lucy said with a red face. "You guys, I'm not the only one who gets all weird when I'm drunk. Erza got all weird and aggressive."

"You mean like she always is..." Gray huffed.

"Always what..." Erza hissed, stabbing her cake with her fork as she stood just behind Gray.

"Nothing!" Gray corrected himself quickly.

"Can we just drop the subject?" Lucy sighed.

"Sure thing," Cana said with a thumbs up. "New topic: In ten years, where will you be?"

The group looked to Cana with confused expressions. "Wow, didn't know you had such a philosophical thought, Cana." Levy shrugged.

"Nah, I'm serious guys. Where ya gonna be?" Cana asked. "Will ya still be in Fairy Tail, will ya be married, have a kid? What do ya think?"

"I'd definitely still be in Fairy Tail." Natsu nodded.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

"Gosh...I'll almost be 30 by then..." Lucy said, adding up the numbers.

"Hah, you'd be old!" Natsu snickered.

Reedus--who was at the age of 34--groaned softly as he continued sketching the scene of the youngsters discussing their futures.

"I'd hope to be married by that age." Lucy blushed. "Of course, I don't have a great track record when it comes to lovers..."

"Yep, still zero!" Cana laughed.

"Cana!" Lucy huffed.

"Marriage huh..." Levy blushed. "I'd like's kind of an awkward thing to imagine."

"It shouldn't be taken lightly either," Erza said, sitting down at the table. "Marriage is a partnership between two people. It's sharing your life with another for better and for worse."

"Well if you had to pick someone you know now to marry, who'd it be?" Lucy asked.

"I'd pick my darling Gray!" Juvia said, jumping into the conversation.

"Figures..." Gray sighed.

"Hmm..." Natsu thought. "Who'd I spend the rest of my life with..."

"Hard to picture huh." Levy sighed.

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