The Beginning

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So guys this is my first story, I probably will make many mistakes so don't hate me. Anyway this is for my friend Candice so she can understand my characters backstory, so somethings will be weird but I want to make this a story for everyone to read and enjoy.

"Get him!"

I huffed, out of breath as I ran around the corner into the next hall. Ten more guards down the hall, two behind, I looked around for a way to escape, but the halls that had held laughter as a child did not provide one. Guess I'll have to make one. I put my hands up to the wall and concentrated on escape, the word, the thought, all that the word had ever meant to me. I could hear guards shouting and yelling for me to stop. I pushed against the wall and felt myself fall through, something hit me in the head and I felt unconsciousness come to me, the last thought I had before losing consciousness was a purplish storm looking cloud ripping apart the wall I fell through.

*Time skip*

My name is ace hearts and I have just ruined my life, to explain what ruined it you have to understand what I am. I am a sorcerer, if not a good one than an uneducated in magic one. Ever since I was a little boy I could move things by thinking about it, I could make small objects turn into other objects. I'm also a would be king, would be in the fact that I ran away the day before my coronation. I am a part of the royal heart family, there are four royal family's who rule over sut (pronounced suit) the country I Am a fugitive in. The hearts are the rulers of the southeast and the army and navy, they are brilliant stategists.
The diamonds rule over northwest sut and the mineral and precious metal mining, they hold the most power in over sea trading.
The clubs are residing in the north east and are charged with feeding all four nations, they hold the fate of our country in their hands. And the spades, they rule over the southwest and are the weapon masters and jailers, the spades make all weapons for the hearts and have training in every one of them. All of the lands have a royal family, their honory titles are
The king: ruler and final decision maker.
The queen: kings wife and advisor to the king.
The ace: prince next in line for king on 24th birthday. The jack: prince in line after that.
The ten, The nine, The eight, The seven, The six, The five, The four, The three, And the two.
The royal family always has 12 members, no one knows why but when someone becomes king, he and his wife have 10 kids.
But that's enough about that. Let's talk about why I'm a criminal.

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