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Romano knew this was a bad idea ever since he agreed to come. And the only reason he agreed was because he knew Veneziano was going and he didn't want anything to happen to his fratellino. But of course he'd never admit that.

Right now, he, Veneziano, and Spain were on a plane in first class (sort of, not really) listening to the safety speech the lady was doing. Romano was already getting comfy in the window seat and arranging his things around him for the long trip to Mexico. Italy was talking to a young lady across the isle after trading seats with Spain. Spain was talking to a couple and with their small toddler in front of them.

Romano rolled his eyes and leaned the seat back, earning a slight complaint from an elderly lady and something about her much needed leg room. Romano just ignored her. Why would an old lady like you need leg room on a fucking plane? He thought.

He took out his phone and plugged in his headphones. He hoped Spain couldn't read or speak Italian despite the two living together for a while when he started the audiobook he got. It was the whole Cronicles of Narnia. England had recomended it to him but he just yelled as usual. Only to cover up the fact he found it quite interesting. He even found the audiobook in Italian, so he was grateful for that. He clicked play and closed his eyes as he felt the plane beginning to move.

Italy was having a great time already and he hasn't even been on the plane for more then half an hour. The young girl he was talking to was a high schooler named (Name). (A/N: Wasn't expecting that, huh?) She had (hair length) (hair colour) hair and (eye colour) eyes that looked really pretty. (Btw: I can turn this into a sort of Italy x reader or something like that if you want)

Italy found out that she was traveling with her family, but was separated because of the way the plane tickets were handed out. A nice lady had offered to give her seat to (Name), seeing she was alone. And that's how (Name) met Italy or Feliciano as she knew him. She was slowly learning words in Italian from Google Translate and Italy was overjoyed to teach her more. The two had become really quick friends.

Spain was happily chatting away to the new family in front of him. It was a young man and woman who had adopted the child the woman was holding now and were going to live in Mexico to settle down. Spain was giving them advice about life in Mexico because he, of course, knew almost all of it front to back. He also gave hints on how to take care of their new child. Things like be careful what you feed him and be sure he doesn't turn out like Romano, angry and rude to everyone.

Romano was close to the end of the first book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when Spain yanked his earbuds out.

"What~a was that for, idiota!" Romano yelled. He was actually injoying himself for a while.

"You need to start packing. Quickly." Spain said.

Romano did as he was told. Not because he wanted to, but the tone in Spain's voice and the sounds coming from the flight attendents as they bustled around.

"What's going on, Feliciano?" (Name) asked Italy nervously.

"I~a don't know, bella. But we'll~a be okay. I~a promise." Italy said as he looked at Romano with his closed-eyed expression. Romano knew he was scared.

Romano listened a bit more carefully and heard someone say, "The pilot had apparently gone a bit of the route. Claiming he didn't see why we had to fly an extra hour to get to the airport."

"Does he not know what happens to plane that go this way?!" A second lady said. "I hope the copilot can talk some sense into him before we enter the Triangle."

"The where? A Triangle?" Italy asked, looking at Romano to see if he knew.

"How~a am I supposed to know?" Romano responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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