Make Me Remember You

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Y/N had followed the doctor back to the tardis. He knew what he had to do, he had to let the crack in time and space consume him. He needed to get out of his head right now he needed to run away like he always did but he couldn't, could he.

"Doctor?" you asked softly

You'd never seen him like this before, he was always happy and bubbly. His head was bowed down eyes closed and sorrow was vibrating off of him.

"Y/N." He sighed heavily mentally and physically exhausted

You walked over to him and shook your head slightly.

"Tell me what you need." You shrugged, eyes glassy

Instead the doctor rested his forehead against yours and smiled at the first things that popped up. This was how he'd buy himself some time, get away from his thoughts. He saw himself and all the moments all the adventures they'd all had together. You let out a sigh as he made his way around her mind, he was relaxing you, and it was almost like being hypnotized.

"D-Doctor." You whispered out a little breathy

You could feel him going through your doubts and insurcitys and that was a big part of your life. You travelled with the most amazing man in existence yet you knew he'd pick Amy over you any day. You got scared a lot and wasn't brave like red haired fire ball. You chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Sometimes you left like a failure with him and all because he was so great. He softly gripped your shoulders and many thoughts popped into you head, thoughts that were his.

Y/N I'm so sorry.

You mean a lot to me

I wouldn't pick Amy over you, how could I pick either?

You inhaled sharply has you heard his words. He never said it out loud but his voice in your head somehow meant so much more.

Doctor I don't know if you should go any further

You suggested yet he kept going and froze up as the image vividly popped into his mind. You gasped as you felt him there a blush seeping onto your cheeks. Your heart raced, you'd never been so close to the doctor before, you'd always admired from a distance. A smirk made its way onto the doctor's face,

"Bowties ARE cool."

You let out a giggle as you knew the exact memory he was in. When you first met the doctor he'd showed you the tardis and you'd been quite amazed. You'd laughed as he babbled about time and space. Your cheeks hurt from smiling when he had dropped you back home with Amy. He'd walked you to the door and you hugged briefly before tiltly your head slightly, he sure could pull on a bowtie alright. That's when he said that line and you'd shook your head and walked into the house.

He moved on from there quickly though. The next was another pleasant memory from when Amy was sick and the doctor took you to the beach just outside of London and you'd sat on his tweed jacket watching the sun set together and eating ice cream from another planet the doctor happened to have is his kitchen.

You both saw flashes of the doctor's face his hair lightly messed up and slowly moving in the light wind, the sun set lit up his face a beautiful orange colour, your heart raced looking out at the beach instead of at him. It was a beautiful distraction just not as beautiful as he was. The thoughts ran thought his head and then some words.

Sharp Jawline, Messy Hair, Hazel Eyes, Pink Lips.


My Doctor

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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