The Warnings

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If you are a sensitive reader, please go ahead and take some time to read this forward. I will not be responsible if future themes offend you. This story has fangs and it will bite you. But if you are okay with anything, then just go ahead and skip it. The real party starts with Alaric in the next chapter. So may the Whatever Gods bless your pretty little reader soul. ;)

Quick couple of words from our author: I have a small obsession with vampires and anything creepy. But with all those vampire stories out there, it's been hard to come with a unique plot. Until three months ago one hotty by the name of Alaric knocked at my door (more like broke my door and glared at me into listening) and started telling me his story. So I present this (hopefully) unique vampire story.

Now. The real warnings: I'm writing a vampire story, which means you will meet some real bastards, who will abuse power and people. They will bite and not be nice about it. Thus, what I'm trying to subtlety say is: there will be many uncensored scenes. All guts and glory, type of thing. Bad words. Uncensored description. And maybe some sexy scenes here and there. But aside from that, you should be able to read the story with no problems. So sit back, kick your feet on your mom's beloved table and enjoy Alaric's & Anastasia's ride. So buckle-up, this sh*t is about to get wild.

Also, this will be the only and last time that I will apologies for any grammatical or spelling mistakes within the work. Don't expect perfection in this areas. Even the greatest of writers suck at this part of the writing process, or else true creativity would never take over. That's why editors have a job (sorry to break the dreams of whoever thought otherwise). So go ahead and cuse me out inside you head any time you see mistakes; I give you my blessing.

God knows I do it when I go back and edit them.

Lastly, this work is copyright protect and if you dare break it, I will hunt you down. And remember, Death and a very old vampire by the name of Alaric are my BFF's. They will make sure you disappear without a trace if you do anything but reading this story. *Smiles sweetly*

Aside from that, please enjoy the following story ^_^
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incident either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

Daughter of Blood copyrights © 2015 by Corvus Anima. All rights reserved.

Seriously, I will send my demonic characters after you if you break this copyrights agreement.

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