Chapter 1

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Castiel walked through the corridors of the bunker alone. Dean had gone out to get food and Sam had secluded himself to his room to do some research on his laptop. Cas didn't mind this though. With leading the angels against Metatron, he rarely ever got time to (as Dean says) "hang out" at the bunker or time for himself anymore. He enjoyed his wandering when a door by the main entrance caught the corner of his eye.

He stopped and looked to his left. He never remembered seeing this room before. The door was cracked open. Cas pushed it and his blue eyes widened a bit. There was almost nothing in the room with cream colored walls and red carpet floor except for a grand piano. Cas approached the piano slowly and played a D#. He quickly looked over his shoulder to make sure Sam and Dean hadn't suddenly appeared. Cas would never tell Sam or Dean that he actually enjoyed playing piano (with all the crap Balthazar used to give him for it, why would he?) He looked over his shoulder one more time and slowly sat down on the bench when he felt it was safe.

In recent events, he had learned a modern song and decided to try writing new lyrics to it. He hadn't gotten a chance to test them though. Cas looked back at the black and white keys and started to play.


When Dean had gotten back to the bunker, he almost announced his arrival, but as he opened his mouth, he heard music, piano specifically. It was close by too. Neither his nor Sam's room was near this part of the bunker, so someone must have been playing it. Dean scrunched his face in confusion. Sam didn't know how to play piano, who the hell was playing? Then the mystery player started singing.

"Well I heard your prayers from far below

But down in hell, how could you know

I listened, every word you said, I heard you"

"Is that Cas?" Dean whispered to himself. He quietly walked to the room where the music came from, and sure enough he saw his trenchcoat wearing friend sitting at a piano bench, playing away. His back was to Dean, and Dean didn't know if Cas knew he was there, either way, he kept playing.

"But after this

I'll plead the fifth

Before my fall, after your lift

I swore I heard you say the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah"

Dean's eyebrows shot up. How did Cas know that song? Or, knew the general gist of the song, he wasn't singing the right lyrics. Wait... Dean thought to himself, He's not singing the wrong lyrics...he made up his own... Dean decided to stay silent as Cas went on.

"I know you're strong, but I can't explain

I've seen you die over again

Only you would still want to pray to me

She tied me up where angels fall

She made me deaf to all your calls

And from my lips she drew our Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah"

Oh my god... Dean's mouth fell open, this song is about me... He didn't dare make himself known now. Cas grew more emotional with the song, both with playing and singing.

"Righteous man, that's what they said

But still awake, you'd lie in bed

And listen to the shadows, knife clutched tightly

Castiel sing Plead the 5th to DeanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz