Please read this.

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Hey you.

Yes, you. The one reading this. Take the time to read this.

Honey, what thinking is wrong. Suicide is NOT the answer. Everyone acts like they hate you, only because they worry about you. Imagine it...

You come home from school one day. It was another day of misery like it always is. You walk into your room and lock the door. Glancing at the bottle of pills on your nightstand, you take them all to leave the bottle empty. You cut yourself multiple times. While you had life, you pulled out that note you wrote over and over again...

Before you died, you unlocked the door. Just hours passed. Your little brother/sister walks into your room. They think you're asleep. They tell your mom, and then she walks in. The pain is too much for her. She reads the note. The last words you ever said to her were, "I hate you."

The crying is heard by your father. He walks in to only see your corpse and your mother crying. You thought of him as a fearless guy. As an emotionless robot. Wrong. Your last words to him were, "What's wrong with you? Always defending mom instead of me!" He starts crying too. Your sibling doesn't know what happened. They're too young.

The next day, the whole school goes silent... Why? Because you committed suicide. Your best friend, she's torn to pieces, crying in class.

Look at all of the effects your death will have on people... You'll only hurt them... Maybe you're trying to prove a point... Well, no. Suicide is not an option. It will never be either. Just know if you need anyone to talk to, that I'm here. Even if I don't know you, I'm willing to help you out in any way possible. Demi Lovato said this before, and I'm going to say it now. Stay Strong.

Christina Grimmie said this, and I want to quote her. She said this to me. Keep your head up, darling, God's got your back.So go outside, look up at the sky, and be proud for making it this far in life. You are important to everyone. May not seem like it, but you are. I love you. We all do.


Have an award for staying strong all of these years. Honey, you deserve this award. And you also deserve a very big hug! *gives you a very big hug*

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