Creating Atmosphere

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Fear and loneliness crept over me as I huddled in the corner of my small cell. The small window allowed in a faint glow from the cloud-covered moon hanging outside. The faint light illuminated not only my cell, but also beyond. Through the heavy metal bars, I caught a glimpse of the long stone corridor, lined with hundreds of cells just like this one. The darks guards hovered close by, draining the happiness and replacing it with fear.

Eerie shrieks of the wind intertwined with the haunting screams of terror and despair echoing all around me, chilling me to the bones. Water dripped slowly and monotonously somewhere beyond my sight while thunder growled behind me. The acrid smells of blood and urine mixed with smells of mold, stagnant water, fear, and the ocean, churning my stomach, prompting me to add the odor of vomit to the mix. A sudden wave of dread and despair washed over me, and I know without looking up that one of the black guards approached. Seconds felt like hours as it stood staring in at me. Its rattling breath and putrid, rotting smell nearly overwhelmed me as its cruel gaze tried to take away every happy memory I had ever had. Finally, after what felt like years, it glided away, leaving me shivering and empty hearted.

My breath clouded in front of me as I curled myself tighter and tighter. Feeling the despair about to overcome me, I tried to think of happy memories from before. No memory was happy however, all of them were clouded with guilt, sadness, betrayal, and hopelessness. If it was possible to drown in tears, pain, or regret I would have been dead thrice over. The worsening storm suddenly cut off all light from the moon as I again felt the close presence of the black guards. Without sight, my other senses sharpened as I felt complete despair wash over me. As the feeling intensified, I finally gave up on last the piece of sanity holding me in place, and descended into madness.

This is a short story I wrote just a few days ago. For the prompt I had to create a scene using imagery. It can be read and enjoyed by anyone, but Harry Potter fans might realize that the narrator is residing in Azkaban. The narrator and plot are my own, but Harry Potter and Azkaban belong to J.K. Rowling.
Thanks for reading!

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