Forced (Nouis)

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A/N So this is my first fanfic and I honestly don't know how to feel about it... I've had the idea for sometime now and I finally worked up the courage to post something (hopefully) I'm awful with a/n's so lets just get to the intro! Ciao~

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Niall's POV

"-and then she slipped and fell into it!" I laughed the end of my story. My mother laughed along with me and we laughed until we both had tears running down our cheeks. I was telling her about when my girlfriend, Demi, fell into a puddle at the park earlier that week.

"You helped her back up, right baby?" She questioned between giggles. However, I was still laughing and just nodded as a reply. She gave a small chuckle as she relaxed her head into her pillow as I continued to sit cross legged next her.

We sat there enjoying each others company on my parents midnight blue bed. The room was dim, only lit by the small lamp on her nightstand. We could hear the television on downstairs playing a random show that Greg and Dad probably weren't paying any attention to. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and looked back at her. She looked better considering she had practically been nothing but skin and bone for the last month. The color was returning to her face and her cheeks were rounding out again.

"Need anything, mom?" I asked her half asleep form. She had recently had important surgery that Dad, Greg and I just barely paid for. She chuckled and shook her head, pushing my arm lightly as a signal to leave.

"I'm fine Niall, really. Stop worrying and go spend time with your father and brother." She told me. I hardly ever left her side anymore. When I went to the park with Demi, Greg had threatened to never by me Nando's again.

I looked into her eyes and thought of what could have happened without this surgery. I wouldn't be sitting here talking to her. I'd be in my room sulking with images of my childhood and her flashing periodically before my eyes.

"Niall,stop thinking." My mother's soft voice said beside me. I snapped my head up towards her voice that pulled me out of my thoughts. She knew I had a bad habit of thinking myself into depression. She had been with me through my high school years when it was the worst after all. That was before I met Demi.

"Sorry. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again. She rolled her eyes at me and pinched my thigh playfully, making me yelp in pain.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me and go socialize with your father and Greg." She commanded looking me straight in the eyes. I sighed, standing up from the bed and fixing the dark hued sheets on the spot I had occupied. I leaned down and kissed her cheek lightly.

"You'll call if you need anything?" I asked. She rolled her eyes again, pointing towards the door and giving me a stern look.

"I'll call, don't worry. Now go show them that you're still alive." She said, trying to reassure me.

I gave her a small nod and walked towards the door. When I got to the doorway I turned around, leaning on the frame, and watched her chest slowly rise and fall.

"I love you." I told her from the doorway.

"I love you too, Niall." She chuckled, shifting in her bed to get more comfortable. I didn't close the door, so I could hear her if she did call.

I watched pictures of our small family go by as I slowly walked down the hall. I jumped down the stairs, skipping every other step and landing on the first floor with a loud thud, catching everyone's attention. My brother gasped and clapped a hand over his mouth.

"He lives!" My dad yelled. Both of them jumped off the couch and ran towards me, engulfing me in a group hug. Greg pretended to cry, while my dad whispered things like 'I thought we lost you' and 'We've missed you'. I rolled my eyes while trying to untangle myself from the idiots I was related to somehow.

"Yes, I'm alive. Always have been, now let me go. I'm hungry." I gasped between them. They're going to kill me with a hug someday, I just know it. They released me and I stumbled towards the kitchen gasping for air. I could hear them laughing and talking as I caught my breath and started searching for something to eat. I settled with a bag of crisps and sat on the couch between Dad and Greg enjoying the taste of food again.

Once I finished the bag I pulled out my phone and started playing some random game. Eventually I got bored of it and put my phone back in my pocket and leaned back on the couch. I sighed and looked at my brother and dad who were concentrating on the television. This is boring. I'd rather be upstairs with mom. The woman just had surgery and I'm down here watching TV. I'm surprised she even had the operation to be honest. I'm happy she had it, but we barely have enough money to keep us going as it is. How we paid for surgery is beyond my imagination.

"Hey, Greg, who did you ask to pitch in for mom's surgery?" I asked, rolling my head lazily to look at him. I didn't have any friends with money (well friends alone) to ask, so it had to be Greg. Him or my dad, but my dad asking someone for money didn't seem possible.

Once the words left my mouth the room got tense and dangerously quiet. Dad and Greg's eyes widened and they looked at each other cautiously. I could tell they were having some sort of mental conversation, which annoyed me because I have no idea what either of them are thinking.

"Um, I-uh... I didn't ask a-anyone Ni." Greg stuttered, still looking at dad as if he was afraid of stepping on a landmine. I furrowed my brow at his answer. Greg never stuttered unless he was hiding something important. Like 'life or death' situation important.

"Oh. Dad did you ask a friend or something?" I asked turning my attention towards him.

"" He stuttered out. What the hell is going on? I just wanted to know how we paid for surgery and they're reacting like they're hiding a dead body. I turned my gaze from my dad to Greg repeatedly. To anyone else it would look like I was pretending I was at a tennis game. They know something and they aren't telling me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked no one in particular. I just wanted an answer by now. Greg sighed and looked at my dad with nothing but seriousness in his eyes.

"He needs to know. It has everything to do with him, after all." He said in a low voice. What did I need to know? Why was I involved at all? I gave him a questioning look, switching my attention between them again. Dad sighed and nodded slightly. I was completely lost and continued to stare at them questionably. Finally my dad turned towards me and looked me in the eyes.

"Niall, you deserve to know the truth because I got you involved and I hate myself for doing this to you, but it was the only way to pay for your mothers surgery." He told me, never breaking eye contact with me.

"What?" Was all I could manage. My mouth had suddenly gone dry. His eyes softened a bit (in sympathy?) and he sighed again before returning his features to stone.

"We... We took money from the mafia, Niall."

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Sooooooo.. does it seem like something you'd like to continue reading? I hope it does and I hope this didn't suck so much that you don't want to read it. This isn't my first fanfic idea just the first one I've written down. Feedback is always lovely and welcomed!

See you next time, Ciao~!

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