Part 1:Who I am

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Hi.My name is Elric Gray VI.I came from one of the richest families of England.Wanna know more?Well,I study at Japan from now on because they thought that this country teaches superior education but they accidentally sent me to a public school.But,even it may be a public school,it suits my choice.I can be as lazy as I want.Public school is too easy for me!People who are at public school since they were born are dumb both in public and private.Thats my opinion about them!(But no one believes it but me).Studying for college.

You can't hear yet my whole life until you read the incoming chapters!♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Credits to:FANPOP.COM for helping me find some boy names and combine them to make:"Elric(full metal alchemist) Gray(Fairytail) VI "
Sayonara minna sama desù!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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