Charter One

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I am walking to school one day and I feel a presence behind me but no one is there. When I look up I see black feathers falling. That is strange. There are no black birds in this part of Casselton. I still feel as if someone is watching me. I am really scared. I hear a small voice say don't be scared I am here to protect you. I look around and see no one then I say show yourself now and out of the bushes comes a really cute brown haired boy he had his hair Swept to one side. His brown eyes caught my attention they has flecks of black in his light brown eyes. How cool. I stared into his eyes. I didn't notice him walking closer to me until he was inches away. When I notice he is right in front of me I scream. He backs up and chuckles. I ask him why is he fallowing me. He says he can't tell me right now but he is here to protect me from something. I ask what? He says I can't tell you. I am sorry. Then he grabs my arm and walks me to the school building. Oh no what about my boyfriend Parker? As if he can read my mind mystery boy says it is ok. I ask him what his name is. He says Justin. I say Justin I have a question. He says what and stops and looks into my eyes. I ask why does he want to protect me from something. He says because I um... He gets cut off by Parker coming up to us and kisses my forehead. Oh I need to introduce myself. My name is Kat Adams. I am the no one of the school. I am surprised that Parker wanted to date me. He is on the football team. One of the cheerleaders that bullies me comes up and sees that I have Justin and Parker around me and she says so you cheated on Parker I hear. Parker looks at me asking if I didn't I shake my head no and he just nods. Then the cheerleader says I have proof. Look right in front of you. He looks at me and Justin's hand around my arm but no one is there. Then I see black feathers again. I am going to ask Justin about it later. The Bell rings signaling time for class. I give Parker one last hug and head to class. Right as I am about to enter the classroom Justin pushes me against the lockers and says you need to break up with that Parker kid. I ask why. He says because he is no good. I just nod. Then he does something that surprised me. He kissed my cheek. I hear a flash go off and the cheerleader named Ali snicker saying Parker is mine. I run into the class and tell the teach I need to go to the bathroom. I don't wait for her answer and I run off into the bathroom. I go into a stall and cried. I walk out of the stall to see it has been a full period. I walk out and the Bell rings. I see Ali talking to Parker and he looks at me sadly and walks over. He asked if a boy kissed me on the cheek and I say yes he says was it forcefully I say yes. Then he smiles and says ok. I head to my locker to see Justin standing there. He just shakes his head. Then I remembered what he said. I look at Parker sadly. At least he won't think that it is Justin. Parker has been being mean to me lately. I think he cheated on me with the head cheerleader. I don't care, but I should we have been dating for a year 4 months. So I write on a piece of paper meet me outside.
-Kat. I give Parker the note he just nods and walks off.

My Gardian Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن