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"Luke, get your ass in here! You said you'd help me with my room," I yelled from upstairs.

"Why do you need help from me? " he whined.

"Because you're the only one home that's tall enough to reach the ceiling."

"Okay. Fine, I'm coming."

" Thank You. Sorry I'm making you do this. I'm sure you would rather do other things while your home other than help me pack up my room. But if I'm going to be out of here so I can come with you this needs to get done." I exclaim while trying to pack more of my belongings up.

" I know, " he said as he reached up to gently take the poster off my ceiling," I am glad your coming, it's so much better than Mum. She would be breathing down our necks the whole time.

"Don't say that. At least you got to see her often while you were on tour last time," I pronounce to him.

" I still don't get why we even need someone with us. Ash and Mikey are both old enough to be on their own."

"Trust me. I agree with you but, I'll get to be there with you the whole time and you and Cal aren't old enough to be on your own, and even though Ashton and Michael are I'm not sure they would do a very good job of keeping you out of trouble... or jail." We both laughed at his last comment.

I'm going on tour with the band and I have not met them yet. Which is kinda weird given I'm going to be living with them for 8 months. I think they're coming over tonight, so it'll give me a chance to formally meet them. My mum thought it would be better if I went with them rather than her because they need "responsible adult to look after them", as my mom told us both. I love my brother and all, but 3 out of the 4 guys are younger than me and this could get interesting.

"So the boys are coming over tonight right?" I questioned," because we're leaving for your tour in two days and I'd rather not meet them at the airport or something."

"Yeah, they should be here soon," he said with a chuckle.

We were almost finished with my room when the doorbell rings, "that should be them or at least one of them," he says as starts to walk downstairs, "well are you coming or not?" He teases while starting the journey to the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming. Just let me put some pants on," I said gesturing to the pair of spanks I was wearing.

"What," he said with smile on his face, " you don't want to meet them with half your butt hanging out?"

" Ha ha ha, yeah I'm sure you would like me to meet your best friends with me in almost nothing," I sarcastically speak.

His eyes got big for a second as he walked out of the room. I grabbed some sweats then headed down stairs. I got to the bottom as Luke was opening the door. I walked up next to him to be greeted by two of the boys. " Hi I'm Lucy, Luke's sister. And I'm guessing you're Calum and Ashton," I asked with a small smile on my face. I kinda know there faces from pictures I see but not that well.

" Yep," they said as they walked off. Good job Lucy you didn't embarrass yourself, yet, I thought to myself as someone walked up the driveway.

As I looked towards the person I heard, " Hey Luke. Whats for dinner tonight mate?"

I recognized the voice that had just asked my brother and said, "Michael," I would know that voice anywhere after hearing it for two hours everyday for a year. I knew his face looked familiar but I never knew where from.

" What, do you two know each other, " Luke asked with nervous look on his face.

"Not very well, the only reason I recognized him is because I had to listen to him talk during maths and science for all of my eleventh  year," I responded.

" Yeah I remember you, you look different without 4 inches of brown hair roots on your bleached blonde hair," he said with a laugh.

"Hey you didn't very good either with your blonde fringe covering half your face, I swear I almost gave you a hair tie in science so it didn't get in the chemicals. Also, it's not my fault my mum would't let me get more hair dye so I could at least dye my hair back it's natural color," I snapped back laughing as well.

"Well looks like when you stopped being in the hair dying world," he said looking at my natural light brown hair that I had been dying since middle school, but stopped once I got lazy to keep dying it," I started."

"Well this got weird so I'm going to go find the other boys," my brother said awkwardly before walking away.

" So I didn't know you had a brother let alone three," Michael said.

" We didn't talk very much. You always were talking to yourself or some one else while I was busy trying to ignore you."

"How come we haven't met you sooner?" He narrowed his still looking at me while trying to answer the question himself.

"To be honest I don't really know. I think it was because when ever I heard 'brother and friends' I and went across the street to a friends house," I said while walking towards the kitchen where I smelled food," actually I'm surprised you even knew Luke had a sister."

"The only reason we know is because Luke was talking to you on the phone and we were listening. All we really heard was I miss you and I love you, Lucy and we couldn't really hear anything for a while, but the next thing we did hear was 'your one and only' after that we stopped listening, from what we heard we thought it was his secret girlfriend. When we confronted him about it he was grossed out and said it was his sister. After that we never really talked about you, and we all assumed you were his younger sister. Which by the way are you," he asked with a weird looked on his face.
"No, dipshit I'm the same age as you. How could I be younger than him but be in your grade? You're older than him, but really none of that is important, because I'm hungry and a hungry Lucy is not a nice Lucy. So we'll talk after dinner."

A/N sorry it's so short don't worry they'll get longer soon ;)

Edited by: phxtos !
Please check out her work x

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