Chapter 1- All Hail

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Blades clashed against each other.

Two knights dueled on a platform, swords swinging through the air. One of the knights brought his weapon done in a wide arc, but was countered by the other with his own sword. The two engaged in a symmetrical battle of sparring and parrying.

Every swing of the sword set off a defensive evasion or deflection, the two perfectly attuned to each other's body language and motions.

With an abrupt insertion from the side, a third knight entered into the combat. Although of lesser stature and build, the new opponent quickly took on the two knights expertly.

One tried to counter a move by holding his sword vertically, but his blade was knocked from his grasp, clinging to the ground beside the platform. Once disarmed, the third knight promptly tripped the other, causing him to fall beside his sword to the ground.

The remaining knight held his ground, and the other charged, engulfing him in a fury of swings and blows. The knight defended himself, and swung his blade, but the third knight tumbled in evasion. With a swift and graceful sweep of the leg, the knight fell on his back. The third knight held their weapon to his throat in victory.

"Surrender?" The third knight inquired.

The other knight chuckled,"Do I have a choice?"

The third knight pulled off their helm, long brunette hair rolling down her shoulders. Her stormy grey eyes glinted as she smirked,"You two were swinging like pages."

The knights took off their helms, and the one who had been knocked off the platform smiled troublesomely,"Elizabeth, I believe the Prince deserves more respect."

The other, a blond boy with pale blue eyes, cracked a grin as Elizabeth offered him her hand. She made a face as the knight arose,"What Prince Callum needs is a sparring partner not afraid to hurt him."

Callum looked to her,"Shouldn't you be advising something, Royal Advisor?"

Elizabeth gave a nod,"I am. I'm advising some rather pathetic swordsmanship." She elbowed Callum playfully, and jumped down from the platform. Callum dropped down beside her.

Callum looked to his partner,"Benny, I do believe Elizabeth just challenged our combat skills."

Ben smiled widely, chuckling,"No, she insulted our combat skills. That calls for a rematch."

The three childhood friends laughed in each other's company before Elizabeth placed her sword back onto a rack of weapons,"Very well, but that will have to wait. The Royal Assembly should be starting..."

A series of church bells across the kingdom began to chime, and Elizabeth grimaced,"Now."

* * *

Callum rushed into the castle, dashing down the stone halls.

He skidded to a stop as a pair of handmaidens stepped out from around a corner, and he flashed a smile,"Excuse me!"

One of the servants frowned,"Your highness, the Queen is-", Callum nodded as he ran,"Going to kill me. I know."

The prince quickly arrived at his chambers, and dressed himself in his royal attire. He began to feel anxiety tighten into a knot in his stomach. With his father, King Arthur, absent due to warfare, the responsibility of supervising Camelot was now resting on Callum's shoulders.

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