100 Years

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In simple words, the world has been hacked. This might be confusing for you idiots in the 21st century, so let me elaborate. 

Here in the future, we put the whole world into the hands of the 10 smartest people in the world. This year, Felicia Jones- my mother- found of the key. Basically, she ruptured the regular human eyeball, and in it's place put a more precocious type of eye. Now, you can see everything when you walk down the street, a person's name, their age, their health, their relationship status, all of your information. It's all their when you glance at a person. 

My mother married a abhorrent man by the name of Gregory. He was like a worse version Benedict Arnold.* He convinced us that he was an inordinate liberator, but then puts a virus on the human race. The virus is known as Time Limit. The virus is simple. You are born with 100 years, you can gain more time or you can lose it completely. 

The way to gain and lose time was all written in 2 rules that my father left behind. 

1- Gain infinite time by hacking into the unhackable system.

2- You can gain all of somebody's time by killing them. 

A really wicked world if you ask me. 


This story is what I like to call ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Don't steal my ideas. And if I happen to steal yours of somebody you know of's ideas, let me know and we can figure something out. 

- Reiley or AuthorInProgresss 

All Rights Reserved © AuthorInProgresss 2015

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