A Small Introduction

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                                                                     !! Fair warning to anyone who reads this!!
       I have based the main characters of this story on my friends, so you might no get some of the thing that are said.

    Ariadne [pronounced ä-ry-Ä-dney] Makino is a sixteen year old with extraordinary powers. She prefers to be called Dina. She thinks Ariande is "too fromal". She was born with the gift of multiincreedia: An Increed who possesses more than one ability. It varies in range, and is very rare. An Increed is a person who possesses a special ability. Every Increed has it's own unique power. Dina, on the other hand, has a very rare kind of multiincreedia. She possesses an gigantic array of different powers. In fact, she has them all. She just has to "unlock" them one by one, sort of. Her parents know exactly what she is and what she is meant to be, but she hasn't grasped the full extent of her being.

    Increeds are melded into society. They coexist with humans somewhat peacefully. Some accept them more than others. Dina goes to a school called Mullbark High, a mixed school: humans and Increeds both go there. Mullbark is a peaceful little city where she lives with her parents and her little sister Iva [pronounced EE-va], a thirteen year old devil. She has friends, but her closest ones include Kate, Blaire, Aria, Ricky, Alec, and Tracy. Kate has a tendency to call her D, which profoundly annoys her. They all go to MH. Dina isn't treated that well by the students there. The younger ones fear her, the older ones make fun of her, and her classmates don't accept her as anything. They believe she is neither Increed or human, and constantly call her "mutant". Luckily for her, her friends stand up to everyone.

    Dina usually spends her time either practicing the power she already discovered, or spends time with her friends outside of school. She frequently goes to the secluded part of the forest with Kate and Blaire and they hang out for hours on end. Her favorite ability to this day is shapeshifting, hands down, even though she hasn't completely grasped all of it.
Dina is somewhat ignorant when it comes to her "condition". She doesn't know the extent and especially the rarity of what she has. Because of that, she is usually surprised when she discovers a new power. Some are harmless, but others are very dangerous. She learned the hard way to be extremely careful, especially around her sister. When Dina discovered her fire ability, she severely burned Iva's arm. She secluded herself for months until she could control it. Only her mother could get through to her. Now she is back to a normal-ish life, besides the occasional outburst of new power. And even though she already has a lot, she has not yet uncovered half of her destiny.

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