Picture Perfect Mate

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I jumped over a dead tree that was laying in the forest. The wind was blowing through my fur as I scanned the outer areas of my packs territory, looking for potential threats. I am the alpha’s daughter, and the only kid he would ever have. 

 My mother was a great leader, everyone in the pack loved her. She was the definition of the worlds best Luna. It was a tragic day when she suddenly crossed boarders on accident, getting attacked instantly by our neighboring pack. They never gave her a chance, killing her in front of her young daughter. It was that day that changed how my father acted as alpha and a father.

I sniffed the air before stopping down by the lake to get a quick drink. Lapping up some water I savored the taste of the cool mountain water running down my throat. I gave a wolfish smile to no one in particular and laid down on my belly, soaking in the warm sun while I could.

I would take these chances to get away from my father and the pack. When my mother died, my father came to rescue me. He took me back to the pack where he started training me day and night. His words are tattooed in my brain,  I will not let you be defenseless when it comes to hard times, I will not loose you too.

I never have time anymore to just be a normal teenager anymore, he trains me, sends me out to patrol, makes me watch him as he works, and then I have to help take care of all the pack business also. My father wants me to become the first ever female to run this pack when he steps down. He says that I have the strength of my mother and him in me, something no male could possibly hold.

I got lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard a snap. I shot my head up and looked in the direction I heard the noise come from. Growling lowly, I stepped towards the sound.  I raised my hackles before leaping, landing square on a built young man.

“So you are the famous Alpha’s daughter…” he said, a smirk planted on his face. “Quite a beauty if I do say so myself.” Holding up his camera with his free hand he showed me the picture he took. I was laying under a tree with my eyes closed, the sun rays reflected off my chestnut color pelt.

I let out a snarl before ripping the camera out of his hands, chucking it at a tree. I bared my teeth at him, ready to attack when I realized who it was. It was the alpha of the pack that killed my mother, well the son actually. Stepping back I let him stand up before running behind a tree and shifting. I walked back out fully dressed and glared at the guy.

“How dare you step into my land,” I snapped. “If you weren’t the alpha’s son I would have ripped you to shreds!”

He stepped forward challengingly. “Just because your daddy is an alpha doesn’t mean you have the strength to take me on… even in human form doll face.”

I took a step forward matching him, I wasn’t about to let him think he could intimidate me. “You are in dangerous territory, my pack doesn’t forget the past… we never will.” I pushed him back with all my strength and suddenly felt sparks run up my arms. Oh no…

“Well looks like we will be seeing a lot of each other little mate,” he whispered, looking down at my hands. “I know you felt it too, don’t deny it…”

I glared at him, “Oh I am not denying it…” Walking over to his crushed camera I picked it up and placed it in his hands. “I am rejecting you ’little mate,’ now get out of my territory.”  I shoved him with all my might, catching him off guard which caused him to fall backwards into his territory. My wolf whimpered inside of me as she felt me reject our mate.

I looked at him as he laid in the dirt staring at me with hurt filled eyes. It almost made me feel guilty for rejecting him but I had to do what was best for my pack… and mating with the enemy’s son was not the best. “You can blame your father and his mutts for this, because I don’t accept people who live in the pack that killed my mother…”

I turned away and shifted , running away from him at full speed. My wolf was now free but she did not fight to go back to him, she knew what I was feeling right now. Why did I have to have a mate who is the enemy… now I will never know what love actually is.

Picture Perfect MateWhere stories live. Discover now